Since Prop 8 is still a hot subject, here are some thoughts regarding religion and homosexuality.
In this TED talk by A.J. Jacobs, he talks about the year he spend trying to literally follow the bible. In the end, he says that he failed miserably, and that it’s simply impossible to follow everying in the bible. Examples of how he couldn’t literally follow the bible include stoning adulterers, cutting off women’s hands, and not sitting on chairs that menstruating women have used.
He also mentions many other things in the bible that are possible to follow, but even the most god-fearing Christian doesn’t. These include things like wearing mixed fibers and not shaving the corner of one’s beard. Apparently there are thousands of things like this.
Therefore, by necessity, those who follow the bible, pick choose the what they follow.
A.J. claims that there is nothing wrong with that, but thou shall pick and choose the right parts. He goes on about choosing the parts of the bible about compassion, tolerance and loving your neighbor.
Why then do certain churches and their followers pick and choose to follow parts of the bible that oppress gay people? According to the “red letter christians” (those who only follow the parts of the bible that Jesus actually said), Jesus never even talked about homosexuality.
The next time you speak about homosexuality being a sin, you’d better not be sitting. A menstruating woman may have sat there once.