Red's Dream

I’ve been looking for this for the longest time and found it on YouTube. This is a short animation by Pixar about a red unicycle.

this isnt a unicycle…this is a chicken.
wrong link?

is this what you meant?

Oh I know what you’re talking about, and both of those links are incorrect…I haven’t seen it in a long time…I’m gonna try to find it…

I couldn’t find it, sorry ):

i found it on
reds dream

My apologies. I must have copied the next link instead.

The YouTube link is not the real Red’s Dream. Looks like it’s just someone with a home CG system that tried to imitate Red’s Dream. The real one is much better.

Pixar had the real version as a free download from the site at one time. Now they link you to iTunes to get it and it’s no longer free. The video quality of the iTunes one is better than the older version though.