Recommended Uni Movies

Ok, I’ve got Into The Thunder Dragon, and U2… What other Uni movies do people have that are highly recommended? I’ve seen U2 so many times now I play it in the background as music, and can almost tell the scene by the music :wink:

Re: Recommended Uni Movies

well then now its time to memorize every line of narration in Rough Terrain Unicycling.

No… Now it’s time to memorise Pi to as many decimal places as possible.


The next digit is either 7 or 8. The poster in our maths department finishes that with an 8 but there’s a possbility that it could have bee rounded up.

So I know it to 73 decimal places, I’m gonna find out the enxt digits tho so I can memorise it past 100… then more. Not sure how far I’ll get. But dam it’s alot easier to say than to type out. You might not believe me… but just trust me, I know it to there. The Dan knows it to like 15 or 20 decimal places.

a better question is: who cares?

as for movies, u1 is pretty good, and OTG is a lot better than ITTD, and has the same feel to it.

Movie Stuff


Sorry… I’ll look into OTG… I’d actually forgotten about it, that was the first trailer I saw for muni back in… '99? Right as I learned to uni the first time…

As for pi… It’s more fun to eat pi than it is to memorize it… Mmmm, pie…


Well I suggest ours. Hazard. U2, U1 are really great, and for more street unicycling get Hazard. Well it’s not out yet. But when it is you should get it. If interested get a hold of, that goes for anyone. Ha. Laters

I really like Under No Influence. It had music I could listen to and a lot of extras, comentary etc… I would have really liked to seen them come out with a follow up.

As a side note…you can get OTG on DVD now!


I have the trailer for Under No Influence, and also for Muniac, but I heard that they were no longer available. :’( The U.N.I trailer is awesome, they had some kick-a$$ camera angles and music. Alas for lack of $! I’ll definately get Hazard when it comes out, and the One Wheeled Women video… If it’s uni, I’ll get it sometime… What’s that other one coming out soon, Ryan Atkins I think?

Ryan Atkins is in it along with Jeff Groves, Kevin McMullin and lots of others. The film is actually being made by JEff Groves and it’s called Spaced Out.

Spaced Out

I must have been Spaced Out, 'cause I have the trailer for that too… I was just too lazy to check it for the name or videographer :wink:

definitely U1. while the level of riding is not quite U2, many will argue that its a more enjoyable movie. unfortunately its VHS and the video quality has much to be desired. nevertheless it is a must see, and you should own it as well. trust me, you will be surprised at how good it is. the music is pretty much the same as U2. its not done in the same format (divided by riders) and flows pretty nicely.

OTG and ITTD are both great muni movies. In my opinion ITTD is the better of the two, but it does have the documentary aspect that seems to bother people. OTG is more straightforward riding. if you liked that look online. i think there is a unizaba (or maybe skilleto, i cant remember) video online somewhere.

One Wheel No Limit is the type of movie you watch once or twice. there are some amazing moves in there but its a bore to watch. also, the music is a bit corny, so it has been suggested that when you watch you play some equally horrible punk-rock music over it. if you are into freestyle or performing, you will like it more than if you are into trials or muni.

UNI and muniac are well done films, but the level of riding is low. all the riders had been riding for under a year when UNI was filmed (they are pretty good for 1 year of riding, but still…). UNI is no longer for sale. Ben Turley, the director, is away on his mormon mission trip. the trailer covers the best stuff. but it does have a bunch of extra features, which is cool.

Mormon ey? That reminds me of a southpark episode! Oh you have to see it… very funny… prolly extremely insulting to mormons.


Awesome movie, I hope they make a sequel… but how can you top Bhutan?
“Last year we went to a place which was culturally different, so this year we decided to just ride around the parking lot of the local mall. They sell local delicacies like ice cream, burgers, Gap clothes, and two-wheeled unicycles!”