Hello there everyone,
I recently travelled to america on a school trip and was over there for two and a bit weeks. We spent time in New York, Washington DC, and Orlando florida. What i’m writing is not critical of americans but just some points that i found interesting about the country as compared to Australia.
Everything is huge- from the food servings to the cars on the road. At a time when everyone in america seems to be complaining about the price of petrol, and there are heightened fears of the effects of global warming, the size of the cars is unjustifiable and quite frankly dangerous. Back in Oz we pay about double what americans do at the petrol station-hence the cars are about half the size and are purchased for their economy.
Most of the people are really nice- if not a bit naieve. after watching the news almost every night on different stations i found the way they presented information on the war in Iraq a little strange. The throughline was no longer the motive for war or the rebuilding process- rather it based itself around the soldiers who were stuck in the situation and were dying- but not alot was said about what they were dying for. Criticism for the fundemental reasons of the war, and the way it was presented by the government was non existant. There was almost no foerign news stories unless it had something to do with america- the one exception which i’m sure would not happen every now and then was the death of pope john paul.
They are all extremely nationalistic. On a 1 hour bus trip from our accomodation to the heart of Manhattan one of the guys counted 253 american flags. People love the idea of america- freedom, liberty etc but do not consider how America affects others freedoms and liberties or even basic human rights.
The people exist in an environment that suggests that they need to be fearful. After being at 5 airports the security at them gave a sence of paranoia.
One thing i found really wonderful was the attitude of the two people i met that had lost family members in the world trade centre attacks. They were not wanting revenge, or bitter- rather they had a calm about them and just wanted to deal with there losses as losses not something that could be regained by certain courses of actions.
It was an eye opening trip to the worlds only superpower and i feel i have managed to get a very faint idea of how they have achieved that world domination. The people were wonderful and friendly but in any democratic society there needs to be a certain extent of mistrust and suspicion among the populace in order to keep the people in charge honest. Trust can be broken easier that it is to be earnt.
Please feel free to debate any of the points i have made- i’m a 17 year old who was there for only 16 days- i’d really like to hear what Americans have to say about the points i made,
oh and the society is fundementally flawed due to the basic fact that they have not embrased the meat pie!