Recall election?

Maybe somone can shed some light on this for me. I’ve seen a lot of the coverage of the recall election on CNN. However, I only really started hearing about it once all the celebrities were running.

SInce I have been [loosely] following it, I have never heard why there is even a recall election in the first place.

The recall election in California is part of a well orchestrated and deliberate land grab, along with such other actions such as the redistricting attempts in Texas, by the Republican party. It is made possible by the fact that the Democratic party has allowed itself to be cowed into devolving into a watered down version of the Republican party and is therefore nothing more than a cheap, unreliable, imitation. Would you rather buy, for the same price, the original or a knock-off?

This is why, until the Democrats offer a real left of center alternative, people like me, quixotic though it may be, will continue to vote for Green or other 3rd party candidates. (And people like some unnamed RSU posters will continue to laugh).

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

HEY!! I’m stifling my laughter. And I intend to remain unnamed. Pay no attention to that avatar on the left or that signature file at the bottom.


Yeah, let’s all vote democratic or green, that way we’ll never have to worry about improving our off-road skills, because those people don’t want anyone going off-road. For that matter, they might even outlaw unicycles as being too dangerous. I’ll pass, but not on the sarcasm. Just ride while you can.

Oh Puleeze!

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Democrats aren’t going to make unicycles illegal, they’ll just make a federally approved seat bumper that you have to use for your unicycle to be legal, it’ll cost $300.00…

No thanks… :stuck_out_tongue:


Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Which works out fine, Profile is already selling those

This is just what this forum needs, more politics. I think this thread might turn out to be more entertaining then Clean Jokes. Keep posting you personal politics.


when staring the thread, I was actually more interested in ‘how’ they are able to have a recall election, like did the newly elected mayor do something, or is there a thought of miscounted votes, or something likt that.

Check some of these sites for details.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

The following is a greatly simplified explanation:

During the present governor’s term the economy in California went more sour. The state suddenly had a much more serious cash flow problem than usual. Some folks thought that they could capitalize on this by blaming the governor directly, boot him out of office in a sort of legal coup, and replace him by a member of a more “desirable” party while the iron was hot.

The following is my own opinion:

It doesn’t much matter who the person is or what the party affiliation is. They are all basically interchangeable. The political system in the US has so much inertia that you see a big flash and hear alot of noise but, in the end, the big rock is still there with a bunch of people complaining about it and making plans to blow it up.

Naa, just a republican power grab and source of alot of great jokes, just like how a bunch of chemical an d biological weapons will be found right before the next election. To give non-voters (such as myself being 14 and all) an idea of the joke this election is I’ll post some passages from the voter guide book. My sister gave it to me cuz my household has about 3 of them. Here goes…

Firstly, there are more than 105 candidates. Someone can win with less than 15% of the vote but the governor can only stay in office with more than 50% of the votes. Doonsberry has been mocking the election lately. We have idiot/numbskull/actor Arnold Scwarsanagger (can’t spell his name) running. He deserves the title “Sir. Flipflopalot” We also have a Richard Simmons running, a Michael Jackson, and the Larry Flint. What losers! Now to the quotes: Kurt E. “Tachizake” Rightmeyer feels he is a good candidate because: “The name Tachizaki stands for “wind from a sword stroke.” As the leading middleweight of the 2003 California state sumo series and a serious, well-educated, nonpartisan candidate for governor, I will attack the 800-lb gorilla of big government from every angle and fight determinedly to restore California to a state where all citizens can be proud to live. Say goodbye to an increasingly restricted, more expensive, poorer quality of existence…and say hello th Tachazaki-‘because being governor is no party.’” I can’t stifle the laughs when reading that one. Another candidate only wrote “I breathe.”

My point is that these people are idiots, and all the recall will do is waste money. The way it worked is some rich republicans decided they wanted more power so they started circulating petitions for the recall and began collecting signatures endorsing it. Once they broke somnething like the 900,000 mark, they could put the recall on the ballot. Most people who signed the petitions thought they could spite Davis (the current governor) for what they blamed him for (basically everything). Now, I hate him about 3 times more than the next guy, but he’s a hell of alot better than the alternative. He is pretty evil though. He’s unneccissarily tough on crime. There was a woman who was in jail for the last 18 years for shooting her husband at age 18 when he repeatedly abused her and threatened her life. She was granted parole by a parole board, and Davis repealed it. He does this all the time. That’s just despicable. :angry: Please don’t vote for the recall, though, my school is bad enough already. The recall is just gonna lose us more money.

Oh, yeah, what are peoples opinions on the 87 billion bush wants for his oil grab (Iraq “rebuilding”)?

Well, hope this helps people understand, and please correct me if I got anything wrong. All I ask is please don’t vote blindly!

thanks, oh great ones, that answers all questions.
