Im really starting to get frustrated with trials. i have no control over my uni, I loose it way too easy. and my sidehops are horrific. ive been trying to do this one rock for about 1 week at about two hours a day. and its only 1 1/2’ high. my left foot is in front, so I hop my left. every single time, my left foot comes off and lands on the object. so Im sure someone out there has some miracle advice.
Before each jump remember what you did wrong (in your case having your foot bail and lnad on the object) and don’t do it.
Tell yourself: I will not let my foot touch the table.
It also helps if you visualise yourself acheiving your goal.
Well, that’s how things work for me…
Owen’s right. I never land anything unless I believe I will. It sounds like you just need to practice more. I occassionally will do a big hop and my foot will just slip off the pedal completely, although it’s almost always my right foot, not my left. I say give the rock a rest and try some other stuff for a while, and when you come back you’ll think it’s super easy.
I ALWAYS used to have that problem. Sometimes I still do.
One thing I did was to start a good 2-3 feet away, and start hopping little by little towards the surface. That way, when i reach the right point to hop, I’m already leaning the way I need to be, and my progress is less likely to be stopped by my own second-guessing.
To tell the truth, my biggest obstacle, when it came to hopping off the uni uncounciously during a sidehop, was 1 1/2 feet. I noticed that when I had to stop hopping next to the object and balance myself on something stationary, then start hopping again in preparation, I was about 75% less likely to hit the hop. If, on the other hand, I started far away and didn’t hesitate at all on my approach, I was much more liekly to get it. So just hop right up to it and go straight up, instead of hopping next to it forever and then screwing the hop over. You’ll get it eventually.
i do that, maybe im not thinking about it better
One other thing I always do is lean in to the move. All my jumps are preceded by a short-medium stillstand as I begin to fall into it. This really helps me on intimidating stuff because the safest way to survive the lean is to just do the move. To quote Kevin McCullin “It won’t hurt if you land it!”
everyone knows the problem is your thinking, stop!
thinking gets you no where you only second guess yourself and bail. Just go for it, dont think at all, dont even think about not thinking…
well, i think it would be ok to think, or you would do it all wrong
Yup, that’s the point where clear your mind of everything and stop thinking abuot the jump.
In between jumps however keep reminding yourself to stick that foot to the pedal. Don’t let it off. DON’T!
Simple as that. Just don’t let that foot slip.
I had that problem when I first started jumping. I started pulling the handle with less force and relied more on my legs to build upward momentum. It still happens but much less than before.
I would have to disagree, once you get fairly comfertable with hops you no longer have to think about them to do it. Do you stop to think how to hop up a single stair? No you just do it.
When you stop to think about difficult lines and how to go about doing them thats fine, but you have to just go for them without questioning what your doing. If you stop to think in these moments the odds of you actually doing it drop big time. So dont think, be a corperate whore and just do it.
At first I thought you said 1 1/2 inches. I figured you were beyond help. Anyway I was working on that hop not long ago. I used to be able to hop 22" on a good day but then I lost it. I was going for 18.5" planning to work my way up, but it just wouldn’t work. I worked on it for like an hour. I almost gave up but then it clicked. I continued working my way up and I gained a couple inches that night. My advice is, work your way up in small increments, and do a short stillstand right before the jump, nothing new.
I’m not saying you have to think while you’re gonna hop, because that way you’ll loose all your focus, but in between hops (hops in this case being attempts to jump onto the rock) you have to go back, find what you did wrong and not do it. Before you have another go remind yourself, mentally oblige yourself not to repeat the same mistake.
(If only I could apply this to my homework…)
well, the funny thing is, i did it on my freinds onza about a month ago (borrowing it for about a week) and i could do it whenever i wanted. but now i cant, and ive done everything to my uni that has made it like his. i dont get it
Are your pedal pins worn down? That happened to me, and my feet slid off a lot. When I got new ones, it was all better.
Along with what everyone else said, try this: just stick it. That quote has been very good to me.
don’t think, just do it