Read this if you love America

Unicyclists, I need your help. I will come right out and say it, George W. Bush has ruined America. First of all, in year 2000, over 80% of America said that the economy was great. After we have George Bush in office, in 2004, only 18% of America said the economy was good. George Bush has lost so many jobs in the last 4 years he will NEVER make them up. The person who will make up these jobs is John Kerry. Second George Bush is a trigger-happy war-crazy maniac. He went to war for oil. He didn’t go to war because of Saddam, he went to war because of oil. The same tortures are happening in parts of Africa and yet Bush doesn’t care about those places because we aren’t dependant on them. Kerry will get the troops out of Iraq and quit getting innocent kids killed for no reason. I am scared that if George Bush wins, he will hurt America even more. Please…vote Kerry.

First of all, you are wrong.

Did you even consider some of these facts before you posted them? Half of this shit just makes you look like a total fool. Ya know, just because something happened during a persons presidency doesn’t make it their fault. Things go wrong. People die. People lose thier jobs. I could see if the nation was in the same state as September 12th, but it’s not. Bush had to run a country in a time of unimaginable hardship. And we got out of it. Maybe thats thanks to Bush, maybe it’s not. But just like we can’t thank him for all the good that has happened, we can’t blame him for all the bad.

Just because a left-wing site or your parents tells you to feel a certain way doesn’t mean you should. Have a brain and at least look at the other side, which is something I am confident that you have not done. You can’t cast Bush as a being of pure evil who is purposely destroying the United States. Thats just ludicrous. There are 2 sides to every coin and it seems to me that you are only looking at one.

Secondly, this is hardly the time to try to influence people’s decision.

I have much more to say about your little post, but I will leave it unsaid for your sake.

tyler your like 11 so dont act like your a pilitics wiz…your a noob…tisk tisk

Politics is a game for children. Speak your mind Tyler!

Have some fun and read this site. It presents arguments and opinions in favor of George W Bush in rather blunt terms.

The game of politics is dirty and is often a game where you get more points by deceiving than being honest. Fahrenheit 9/11 is a case in point. Take some time to learn about what the other side is saying. If all you hear about politics is from the likes of Micheal Moore then you are learning nothing but propaganda.

It’s tough to understand the issues when you’re young. The issues are complex. When you’re older you might understand. I certainly didn’t have a grasp of politics when I was young.

If you’re in an absolute panic because you fear that Bush might win or that Kerry might win then you need to step back and catch a clue about what the other side really stands for. Neither side is going to cause the destruction of the US or the world if they win. The Democrats and the Republicans are not that radically different that electing one over the other will cause such a huge shift that you would need to panic and go into hiding and hoard food and stock up on weapons or even leave the country should the other side win.

That’s my feeling, too, with a small caveat. One thing that could be drastically changed by this election is things like abortion, gay marriage and other controvertial topics. I am talking of course about the supreme court. They are all getting very old, and one is sick. The new president will likely get to appoint at least one justice, probably more. They will, of course, appoint someone with similar views to thier own (although congressional approval is required). And of course, the supreme court’s decisions have a profound effect on our lives.

im sorry tyler, but your parents have dooped you into believing a lie. first off our economy is almost 2 times stronger than it was before 9/11. secondly bush has created millions of new jobs. the national average of unemployment is only 5 percent. home ownership is at a national hight right now. the percent of people who own their own house has never been higher. and plus why would we go to war just because of oil? if we needed oil that bad, we would tap into our own oil reserves in alaska. the casualty in the war recently reached 1000. that is an extremely low number of casualties compared to any other war the united states has been in.

kerry voted to send the troups to iraq. then when they got there, he voted against giving them supplies that they needed to win the war. he also said that saddam was an iminent threat. he said that terrorism was nothing more than a nusence, like illegal gambling or prostitution. he also called the war the wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time, then he went on to say he has a "plan’ to win the war on terror. how can you win a war if you thing of it as the war the wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time, or a grand diversion?

im sorry, but with all the information layed down, i vote Bush

The reason people always say that Kerry voted against the supplies is because he voted for a small amount lower number of supplies to be sent rather than the higher number that weren’t needed. I’m sorry, Goatman, but I think your permenant nurse that spoonfeeds you every 2 hours and masages your buttox has given you some wrong info.

Come on man; let’s try to keep this civil.

I am of the belief that neither of the two major candidates will destroy the country. I did vote, and I did vote for one of them, but I will not disclose which one. I don’t think that either of these two are the best choices, but one will win and we have to live with it.

I for one do not believe that America is ruined.


Yes there are differences between the Democrats and the Republicans. And yes, some of those differences can have longer term effects when applied to things like the Supreme Court. But on the political scale the differences between Democrats and Republicans is not that great and neither party is radical. Now compare the differences between people like Badnarik and Nader. Much more of a spread of political opinion there. Much more radical if one of them was elected President. If one of them was elected then some people have a good reason to panic.

There is no reason to panic and move to Canada should Bush win. Likewise there is no need to panic and live in a bunker should Kerry win (although at this time a Kerry win is not very likely :)).

Re: Read this if you love America

Wait till you have your own opinion before you post stuff like this.

Let the post new thread cool off to with the political stuff to.

Re: Read this if you love America

Tyler, you are very insightful. Stand by your views.

after reading this thread, I think its more important for you to stand by your right to have those views…

they arent his views, hes only 11. they are his parents views. i highly doubt he gets his information by himself.


Where do you think you got your views?

My views are polar opposites from my parents views. I don’t think that’s uncommon.

I’m willing to bet that they weren’t when you were 11, though.

Thats because I was too busy playing dodgeball and pimpin da ladies to have political views.

i have the same views as my parents, but we didnt used to. i liked clinton until i saw what he was doing to the country. i find all the information i base my views on by myself. my parents have nothing to do with what i believe, where as when you are 11, you dont have the compasity or interest to have your own political views.