
A little over a week ago, I built a new frame for my MUni and all of a sudden had an inspiration to try new things.
Last week on Thursday I tried hopping in place for the first time. Friday I practiced hopping and riding around a curved 8" wide wall around a playground.
Sunday I landed a 16" drop on the second try, altough I didn’t ride it out.
This evening, I practiced hopping up onto a curb that starts at about 3" and rises up to about 12". I managed to consistently hop up onto it at the 9" point before running out of daylight.
I know these numbers aren’t very impressive and please don’t misinterpret this post as a boast. I just wanted to share my experiences over the past week with people that can relate to the enjoyment :smiley:

sweet man, props on doing new stuff. no matter how high it is, its always awesome learning new stuff, and getting new inspiration.


I can see it now…

If you ain’t crashin, you ain’t hopping high enough. :smiley:

Good job on pushing forward! A toast to your achievements!


Thanks, I managed to hop up the 12" high part of the curb/sidewalk this evening and even hopped up a couple of stairs.

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks:D

jeenyus, thanks for the props:)

thanx for posting that kenny

i sometimes feel like i can’t just post to mention some new trick i managed because i don’t want to be seen to ‘brag’ about idling one-foot extended when there r people on the forum who can do backward-one-foot-wheel-walking-in-a-figure-of-eight

that might skew the view of the unicycling world (and this forum in particular) for new riders (or relatively new riders)
any rider who posts here should know that a mention of a new trick will be greeted with the respect due
irrespective of the difficulty level
the joy of ‘mastering’ a new skill is an intensely personal one
yet the opportunity to share that, with people who can actually understand ('cause let’s face it, non-riders hardly ever ‘gets it’) adds to the enjoyment

having said that, pardon me while i go start another
Gallery thread

Now I’ll have proper place to post about my minor accomplishments :wink:

I learned to mount a few weeks a go with my non-chocolate foot… It’s something I have been putting of for over a year now b/c it felt so alien. Well I forced myself to screw around with it for more than a few minutes and picked it up after about 30 minutes. Still feels VERY weird but it’s getting easier. That’s my minor uni accomplishment of the summer. :smiley:

My 7 year old daughter just started to freemount after 6 months of riding. She freemounts with either foot. She just uses the pedal that is closest to the gorund and goes. I have not said anything to her about it. I’m just going to observe her and see if she how or if she develops a preferred foot.

For a while I did all my mounting with the “other” foot to get more comfortable with the either foot freemount. I still prefer using my right to mount, but the other foot is an option.

Stick with it, the versatility will pay off in the future.
