Re: 1940's Unicycle Photo: Ping Gilby

On Fri, 6 Dec 2002 19:03:27 -0000, “Danny Colyer”
<> wrote:

>yoopers wrote:
>> We just won this photo from some very nice folks on Ebay. When asked,
>> the seller admitted that they didn’t have any info on the photo. She
>> said she was going through some old photos in their possession and found
>> it.
>I’m interested in seeing it - but it’d work better if you’d included a link
>to a picture!

I saw on the forum that Yoopers properly attached a pic to his post.
Usually in such sases a link to the picture would be conveniently
included in the relayed post to r.s.u. but not this time. I noticed it
in other posts as well, today (e.g. GILDs eclipse pic). Quite
annoying. Has it been changed somehow?

Klaas Bil

Loopholes in space? In South Africa one night a drunken manwalked out of a tavern and into Ohio. This case has been well documented but never solved.

I do not think anything changed to cause it to happen. I would guess that the cause is because the person forgot to attach the image and went back and editted the post to include the image, but the post got sent to the newsgroup before the change.