RC Helicopter vs. Cat

Morty felt “threatened” by this mysterious newcomer, and finally struck back!

LOLOL :smiley: my cats did that too - but my heli broked :frowning:

So you have cool toys?

and a cat?

and a cam?

…Now give me my 1:18 minute back, please.




I got one of these for christmas


dem blades were gettin a lil close to the poor cats face :frowning:

Hey Terry you posted on a video of me doing stand up comedy and all you wrote was “hmmm…”. Are you being negative or positive or are you, as i stated before, just having a good old think? It troubles me somewhat as you seem to have this ‘look what i am doing i am going to shove it in your face’ attitude but when someone else attempts to post something amusing which is unicycle related…

I doubt he’ll ever reply. He’s probably too busy digging a hole for poor Morty who was chopped into pieces by the copter blades.

I thought, “hmmm”, a unicyclist and a comedian! :smiley:

Morty has his revenge!


Arrrrr! Shiver me rotor blades!
