
jus a random qeustion is it easier to have a thin seat and is it easier to have the seat lower down wen jumping high? :roll_eyes:

I think it’s easiest to use the search feature myself.

ok then!

I have pretty low. But i have never test white a little higher…

thnx m8:)

Thinner seat is better for SIF. You dont really need a thinner profile seat when doing seat-in, ubt either way, theya re good.

For jumping high, I do seat-in, so I keep my seat fairly low. I know some people that do SIF and they ahve their seats a lot higher.

nimbus gel seat. It’s thin, yet well padded.
You win either way!

KH street fusion!!!


sif- high seat
street- low seat
just riding- highish

I’d get a kh gel seat they are thin* and padded.
*expecially the new street fusion

Yes. Thin seats its a big + for SIF!
I like my Koxx Street leopard :slight_smile:

cheers all!!

True but, you get more personilsed reposes this way:)