So basically, leave a random fact, that seems kinda interesting, that may not be well known, or something like that.
For example:
For the longest time i wondered why that feeling in your elbow was called the funnybone, and my friends mom( a nurse) told me that it was because the bone in your upper arm is the humorus(which i knew). I thought that was kinda neat and i had never thougtht of it.
So what is your random fact?
P.S. you dont nessesarily have to provide how you found out about it. (like i did)
Twenty states have state soils (similar to state birds or flowers) as established by state legislature. Nebraska was the first to have a recognized state soil, back in 1979.
What about police dogs? Because they’re doing work. And sled dogs, and seeing eye dogs…and any other working class dog.
So I think they’re getting paid for the work they do, in deliciousness.
I wish I could be a police dog…or at least get paid in deliciousness.
Bullwinkle’s full name is Bullwinkle J. Moose (not Bullwinkle T. Moose, as sometimes reported). Rocky’s full name is Rocket J. Squirrel. Both characters’ middle initials allude to J. Troplong Ward and/or William J. Scott. Matt Groening gave the three male members of the Simpson family the same initial as a tribute to Rocky and Bullwinkle: Bartholomew J. Simpson (Bart), Homer J. Simpson, and Abraham J. Simpson (Grandpa).
I admit now that I was wrong about the meaning of the word “wenis”.
However, I know now that the word was not made up to be immaturely funny- it was in fact the name of an egyptian pharoah.
I shall redeem myself by contributing this: an earthworm has five hearts!
The US Flag originally called for maple leafs instead of stars. Due to her arthritis, Betsy Ross couldn’t handle the intricate cutting and stichery of the palmated leaf so she made an executive decision to go with stars that only involved simpler linear cuts.
In 1896 John Philip Sousa wrote “Leafs and Stripes Forever” to set the record straight but that was changed against his will to “Stars and Stripes Forever”.
There are only nine types of wine. There’s “nice”, “not very nice but it’s a shame to waste now we’ve opened the bottle”, and “undrinkable”, each of which comes in three colours, “red”, “white”, and “pinkish”.
but a beer or beverage in the freezer for 3 or so hours without disturbing it.
pull it out later…its still liquid(it should be). open the bottle and pour, it turns solid. this is known as supercooling. there is also superheating. because of this you should never reheat drinks in the microwave.
the rigid airship, ‘USS Akron’ (a.k.a. ZRS-4)had an internal trapeze that allowed a bi-plane to be stowed on board, and then launched once the airship reached altitude