Rail hunter frame on KH wheelset?

Hello. I have decided to start to cycle again. I got a Kris Holm 20" (2007 model)
I need a new frame to it, so my question is can I use rail hunter frame on KH Wheelset?


Probably, if the rail hunter frame is the right bearing spacing. Where would you get a rail hunter frame though?


The KH hub is 100mm bearing-to-bearing and so does Koxx-one recent parts (at least the Devil frame, K1 L.i.g.h.t. hub…).
I tried K1 hub with KH frame and K1 frame without a problem.

However, even if the rail hunter frame is nice, you can get an aluminium round-crown in white for much cheaper by going on UDC that makes a Xmas sale on the Impact frame.

Impact frame doesn’t fit kh wheelset, they said on that web Siddharta… :frowning:

I just came inside from riding on a KH wheelset in an Impact Reagent frame that I got from UDC last week. I don’t know why the website says that either, but obviously they know a way to make it work.

The best guess (in another thread) is that the bearings need to be spaced an extra mm or two apart because KH hub flanges are set wider apart than on an Impact hub–if that helps at all.