Quote of the day (from non-riders)

A couple of favourites, with a twist

I was down in the forest today, I’d taken my old 20" to the LBS as the cotterpins are giving me serious grief.

fat mtb rider “you’ve lost a wheel”
LBS guy “He gets that a lot you know” which really made me smile

Later on we stopped for a drink two young kids come by

kid 1 “Look a one wheeled bicycle”
kid 2 “No its not its, … its, … its a TRICYCLE”

Chav #1: “You’re missing a wheel!”

Me: No response

Chav #2: “Your wheel’s got a flat!”

Me: Still happily pedalling away… until

Chav #3: “Your chain’s got a flat!”

I UPD’d I was laughing so hard. :smiley:

A mountain biker said to me the other day, while passing by, “Kouzelnik!” Which means, magician! That’s a pretty nice comment, calling me a magician.

A perfect retort springs to mind: “True, but it appears you’ve picked up a spare tyre.”

thats great! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

“You guys are crazy” (referring to myself and the other unis entered in the Lifestyles 24 hr race last weekend)

This comment was from a guy biking at night, in the rain, on a technical trail, in a dark Ontario forest. It takes one to know one.

Last Evening I rode my uni in a park. Lots of people walking, cycling, sitting on benches, many children playing… Almost everyone tried to say his “most original comment”… original to them but so common to me : )

I passed a kid (he was just 2 or 3 years old) on a tricycle and his mother. She said:
- Look at that boy - he is riding one wheel!
He replied:
- And I want him… to ride the SECOND wheel…
I dont know what he meant… But at that moment I didn’t have any other wheels with me so I just rode away.

In the park people said “wow!” or “cool!” or “awesome!” and many other words like these… A group of friends on the bench were very impressed. One of them hummed “Ram-pam-pararararam-pam-para…” (the circus song :)) and I replied: “Wow! I’ve got this song in my phone! How do you know?” Well, actually I haven’t, but I just like to reply in such a way.

An old man told me that I had lost my handlebars… Ugrhh… Why? Why are they always say “handlebars”? Ok, few days ago at last somebody said “where is your other wheel?”… But he is the only who mentioned the wheel.

Saw two girls learning to spin poi. I stopped, got acquainted, showed what I could and taugnt them some new elements.
That was me, but later I imagined what they thought:
We were spinning poi in the park and suddenly there appeared a strange guy on one wheel and began to show such… unbelievable things with poi…

A few minutes later after I left the girls I heard someone said:
- … another clown…
I wonder who the first clown was. Maybe that girls… I don’t know any other unisyslists living near that park…


Pushing my muni up Mt Cootha this morning a road biker passed me.

biker: morn’in.
me: morn’in.
biker: how you going?
me: great, yourself?
biker: bit intimidated (starring at my muni) but otherwise all good.
me: :slight_smile: have a good one.
biker: thanks, you to.

About 500m later he zoomed down passed me (still walking up) and we exchanged the nod.

Sea Hags VS Mermaids

Mcnuggets300, That was good! Kid of reminds me when my brother called a bunch of mermaids Sea Hags!

On Friday while riding I had a mountain biker say to his fellow rider “Look ,these guys are bored. What, isn’t biking tough enough for them?” Seems he was also concerned with the fact that that we did not have breaks on the MUnis.

At least he didn’t point out that we were riding without our training wheels!


Well, can you juggle?

Alot of people do that to me and then excelerate leaving me behind. How did they think they would hear my answer?

I got my 36’er today!

about 5 minutes after wheeling the uni out of the store “you’ve lost your other wheel!! HAHAHAHA!”.

then while standing at the MAX stop waiting for my MAX some Bicyclist came up and said(along with a bunch of other people who’ve said the same thing) “I’ve seen some of those before but I’ve NEVER seen one THAT big”

and I got a bunch of people who asked where I got it, and I told them so Serious Juggling got a bunch of free publicity…

some other comments were “can you ride that thing?” to which I replied “no I just bought it today but I can ride a smaller wheeled one…”

While riding down the bike trail to my house I had two bikers comment one lady said “nice bike” another biker seemed astonished and looked at me like he’d never seen something like my 36’er go that fast as we passed i heard him muttering “it only has one wheel… he’s only riding one wheel, damn it’s huge…”

those are the coolest comments today… apart from a lady and her husband who stopped in the middle of the road and asked me a bunch of questions and stuff…

my reply to the “you’ve lost your other wheel” was something like “No I just stole half of The Shaq’s bike!!!” because when I stand next to it, the seat comes up to about the bottom of my chest…

Well, as regards the "J " word: most unicyclists I know can juggle, some very well. And vice versa, many jugglers I know can also ride unicycle. There is a lot of common territory. So the “J” word is to be expected. A few can do both at the same time.

Do you NEED to take the wheel out to rotate the tyre?


It’s not juggling, just getting comfy on the saddle :smiley:

This morning I was remounting after a pothole based UPD (I was still sleepy OK) when a very self asured 4/5yr old wlaked by with his dad…

Little boy "Don’t forget to stick your arms out, or you won’t be able to balance and will fall off "


You can achieve the same effect by removing the cranks and rotating them.

Or deflating the inner tube and pulling the tyre round, then inflating it again.

Or taking the frame off, turning it upside down, then re-ataching the wheel…

Wait, what? Putting the wheel in the frame backwards is a bad idea.