Quote of the day (from non-riders)

I’d like to thank you for that one. I’ve used it several times.

Blake, your kid is awesome, as I’ve said before

Hahaha! That’s great.

The other day, I went riding with Matt, and, on my way back home, these two kids stopped me and asked where we’d been, because they hadn’t seen us out riding in a while. They thought it was really cool.

A girl seeing me riding my uni in the park:


As for other quotes, sometimes they say about clowns or hum the circus song… some people laugh, some say, it’s cool and awesome. Also very ofteh I hear somthing like “Can you ride it?”, “Is it hard to ride?”, “How is it called?
Some say where my handlebars(!) are, but… but NONE of them has ever said anything about the other wheel. What’s wrong with the people in Russia?

“One wheeled bike must be hard to ride stupid that’s why they are supposed to have two”

I respond “I imagine it would be, but isn’t that random who has a one wheeled bike here I certainly don’t”

Upstaged by two year old.

Little kid on tricycle: That bike has one wheel.
Me: That’s all it needs.
Kid: Mine has … (3 seconds of deep concentration) … MANY!
The kid proudly rides off.

random person says…“Hey, were is the rest of your bike?!”…then my friend rides by and then he says"oh, there it is!"…id have to say i get different versions of this about 2 times a day!:smiley:

I got a few today, but my favorite was simply “You’re great”

I also got a “You’re doing a great job!”

Both very comforting :slight_smile:

The most interesting one went like this:

(I’m resting on a bench)
Passenger in car: “Hey, (I turn and look), are you in the circus?”
Me: “Nah”
Passenger in car : “Can you take you shirt off?”
Me: “What?!”
Passenger in car: “Can you just rip it off?”
(Car drives off)

was it a female?

Yea, she was much older than me though.

Prob late 20’s

well there is your answer

im just learning, 9 non-freemounts out of 10 i can hobble accross a car park with some vaugue direction in mind.

walking from university to the car park i practice in:
builder up on scafolding: here mate, get on it!
me: nah im rubbish
builder: oh c’mon, get on it, g’eese a laugh!
me: maybe on the way back.

pushing my uni home from the carpark i practice in that’s a 10 minute walk away:

kid in playground: haw look at that! hey mister, can you drive that?
me: i’ll give it a go, im rubbish.

so i headed to the nearest lamp post to mount, more confident in my riding after practice and less worried about making an arse of myself infront of a kid in a quiet playground rather than a builder in a busy street. the pavement was seriously rough and by no means level. i fell off very soon after starting. tried again at the fence nearby with the same result.

kid: you just learning?
me: aye, maybe next time you see me i’ll be better, sorry dude!
middle aged woman: can you ride that?
me: not really, im just learning
middle aged woman: i’v not seen one of them for years…

makes me wanna get good enough to ride around properly! i guess once iv done that i’ll want to be able to do tricks.

you’ll probebly want to be able to do trials, well thats what happening to me

OMG that’s so old.

heh, i said “much older than me

Also, much younger than you:wink:

Yebbut, I don’t mind younger…:smiley:

did you end up taking your shirt off or what??

some little kids walking by the other day said, “hi stuntman!”

ive never been called a stuntman before

Haha nah. Funny thing is, I considered it. It was really hot out. But then I just stood there puzzled as she drove off. We waved to each other. It was very awkward.

attempted to hop up onto a bench then over the back of it, a few days ago, and a friend of mine came up and said “DUDE!! THAT’S F****** INSANE!!! YOU ALMOST GOT IT THAT TIME!!!” I’ve been trying to make this jump for a few weeks now… still can’t make it my tire keeps catching about a cm or so from the edge and I am never relaxed enough to just let the wheel roll over it so I end up stalling and falling down… there was one time where I made it over but I didn’t roll out properly and fell… now my frame is broken('06 DX frame) and I have to order a new frame…

Random kid “Weirdo” :frowning:

Random kid: “Weirdo!”
Weirdo: “Random kid!”