Quote of the day (from non-riders)

I was riding at the U of MN yesterday and got tons of comments like usual but one guy was loud and rude that made my day. I was riding on a ledge with a 4 foot drop on one side and like a 15 foot drop on the other and he was sitting smoking with some of his co-workers I think. Well as I’m riding he yells “Get off that ledge you moron, you’re going to kill yourself”. At first I thought he was joking so I just kept riding. Then he said “The police station is right across the street and I’ll call them, GET DOWN FROM THERE”. So I look at him while I’m still riding and say “Are you serious or just joking?” and smile, then jump down to the 4 foot drop and continue riding down some stairs…cross the stree and play around on some stairs over there, jumping down 2-5 sets for a few minutes while he watched. He didn’t look too amused but it sure made my day cause it made me smile cause he was so blunt and rude to me. I was just like whatever, take a chill pill man.

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Aw, kin we pet yer dawg? :smiley:

An elderly couple gave me the biggest “Wooaaahh!” today.
Big smiles all round. I love it when that happens.
I also had some miserable git who gave me nothing. Not even a flicker of emotion. Not even when I made eye contact and smiled. “YES DEAR, I’M LOOKING AT YOU!”
Some people are just made of stone.

while riding in North Bay in the woods…

lady: …uhhhhh…Brian MacKenzie?

me: yes, how’d you recognize me??’

lady: I know your mom, I have your movie

oh, also in North Bay, while out at midnight racing around on my Schlumpf, and tim on my Coker…

truckload of idiots: “do a wheelie!!!” “do a wheeeeeeelieeeeee” “P**sies!!!” [truck drives away]

Funny how all the brave people who throw insults at you are always driving away at high speed, isn’t it?

funny how you don’t appear to be fishing at all, mister!

I have a laptop by the side of the lake.
And no, it doesn’t have photoshop on it.

I was riding a few days ago and I rode past this lady and she just tried her hardest to pretend I didn’t exist, I even made Eye contact and said something like I lost my other wheel can you help me find it, she didn’t even smile or frown or say anything, it was like to her I didn’t exist, that pissed me off but then I rode past a group of girls about my age and they were like “that is awesome”, and as I rode away I heard a few of them shout “We Love You!!”, then a guy in a truck about five minutes later threw a McDonalds Cheese Burger out his car window at me and yelled, “AHole, Get a f**** Life!!”

dude, did you eat the cheesburger?? I wish people gave me food!!
(just kidding)

the other day i was riding and some kid said something along the lines of "dude, you need to ride that thing w/ the seat up your a$$%ole … i laughed at him

then right after that some girl idk came up to me and said that i was her hero and she loves me, that was pretty coool!

also, people tell me that their younger siblings think that I am amazing on the unicycle and that they look up to me… thats a scary thought

rode to 7-elleven and back, lady howd you learn to ride that. ME practice, you whant to try. lady H**L no you want me to kill my self. ME to my self that be nice. :smiley:

heh. the cart guys at safe way “DUDE!!! SWEET!!! I wanna try! pleaseeeee???” “um ok?” dude, im gonng eat sht" ya prolly, so he tries and eats sht lol

hahahaha, oh man that is classic.

I would totally do that to the people who jump out in front of me to try and scare me while I’m on my 20", but I’m too nice.

ya know, not to be prejudicial, but it seems to me that non-english speakers are more likely to comment on us riding by, whether to us or to each other. anyone else notice this? I notice that hispanics in general are far more likely to gather out on the balcony watching me when one of them sees me and calls the others over…

PS… whats the spanish word for unicycle? any other languages?

I’m always amazed at the people who ask me (when I’m - ok - pushing the coker for some reason - crossing a busy road for instance) whether I can ride it. No I’m hot and sweaty, got a cycle helmet on, lycra shorts and a cycling t-shirt so I can push this big wheel around the streets of Prestatyn. Duh!


Uni’ing through the park today, I pass a friend of my daughter at the park gate just as the path turns down a long,steep hill. He gives me a ‘You’re not really going down ther on that, are you?’ look.
Hell yeah, mate! Just watch this!
One seriously steep descent later, I have a great big smile on my face. :smiley:

I just got back from a quick ride around the neighborhood… I heard an older man shouting (to his family, presumably, who were swimming in the pool) “LOOK! over there! quick! behind the palm trees! see him?! quick, look!!!” and a girl shouted “I see him! Its a superman!” and another little voice “where? I can;t see! llift me up! I wanna see!!!” hahahaaaaa it was great. I just kept going.

That is funny.

Related, I do know a guy who owns three unicycles, and doesn’t know how to ride a uni. Seems rather proud of his collection.

Grrrrr… Grrrrrr… Rrrrrrrr…
Russel! Russel! Come back here!

Stupid little pug nosed dog tried to bite my foot as I rode by on a bike trail. I’m on the Coker. It tries to bite my foot and gets more of a face full of pedal than teeth in my foot. No harm to me. I even managed to avoid riding over the dog as it tried to get me.

while im buscking some guy came up to me and said hey man nice work and put $2 in my tin the funny thing is that he had his GF on his back :astonished:
