Quote of the day (from non-riders)

i was riding my coker toward a little boy on his bike in a parking lot. as i started angling away from him he cried help :stuck_out_tongue:

Went out on my usual practice loop today, and got the usual stares. There are a lot more people in town because of a music festival that’s on. For some reason, everyone thinks that’s why I’m unicycling around.
Hello? Has no one seen me practicing around here for the last FOUR MONTHS!?
I get the usual smiles from families and children, then I head away from the festival and up a street. A group of around ten or twelve sixteen year olds (five males, the rest females) walk round a corner and confront me.
“Look at 'im!”
“Look what ‘ese doin’!”
I give them my usual weary smile.
"Do ewe think ewe are cool or summin’?
“Pull a fckin’ wheelie mate!"
My weary smile starts to fade.
"Ewe looks like a f
ckin’ TWAT!”

I pull to a hard stop.
I’ve had enough of this.
Yes, as a unicyclist, you have to take some stick for the unique hobby, but enough is enough.

I dismount and turn around.
They stop too.
“Which one of you called me a twat?” I ask.



There’s an uncomfortable stand-off.
They are on one side of the road, and I am on the other.
I actually need to cross the road to finish my journey, but they don’t know that.
No one knows how this is going to play out. There are far too many of them for me to take on, and I am an unknown subject for them. I bet they have never tried to take on a unicyclist before.
The silence lasts for about thirty seconds (which is a bloody long time. Try counting it out) and then in a moment of bravado, I decide to cross the road.
They are all to the left of me, and I need to go right, but they don’t know that. I cross the road dead square and by the time I get to the other side they have all decided that discretion is the better part of valour and have carried on their way.
I stop on the pavement for a few seconds and for a fleeting moment almost follow them.
But then I think to myself “What would I do if I confronted them face to face? Punch the guy that called me a twat?”
I can hear the police sirens now.
I turned the other way and went home.
Sometimes I despair for the future generation.
I was in a really grumpy mood for the rest of the afternoon.
Eventually I thought “Hells Bells! I’m not going to let a few arseholes ruin my day.”
So I popped back on the uni a few hours later to get some shopping from the local supermarket.
As I’m riding down the hill on a narrow pavement, a lad of about eighteen steps out of my way, gives me a great big grin and a thumbs-up, and says. “Oi mate… Legend!”
Suddenly all my woes are forgotten. :smiley:

Very kewl write-up.
Legend, in fact.

It’s funny how sometimes I have a great ride, everyone is very well behaved and keep themselves to themselves - no dodgy comments. Then other days, every other person I see is an idiot - wants to know where my other wheel is, imply that I belong in a circus or demonstrate that they can ride faster on their cycles than I can (yeah but I bet you can’t cycle faster than I can drive my car). What really bugs me is the parents who smile indulgently as thier kids shout out stuff. Do they always let thier kids be so rude? What would happen if the recipient of the shouts was less tolerant than I? Perhaps one day I’ll ask them.


I rode in the park on the weekend.

kid: “do a mono”
(back in my biking days this meant a wheelie)

me: “I am”

kid: “no i mean, pop a mono”

me: “a mono means one wheel, im on one wheel”

kid shrugs and walks away.

It really makes me wonder what he really wanted me to do?

A hop?
To place my hands on pretend handle bars pretending to do a wheelie?
to jump off the unicycle and lift the wheel up into the air?


And whats with people / kids demanding that I do a trick? I don’t mind if they ask nicely politely but sometimes it seems like they expect it.

Im not here for everyone entertainment. If I was, I should be paid. Maybe I should bring along a hat and put some coins in it.?

But I love how some kids are just amazed :slight_smile: and say things like “cool”

After trying to go down a slide, ending up in a spectacular bail (which will be in the video), some black guys who were playing football all started laughing, and one of ‘em yelled "That dude should be on JACKASS or somethin’!!"

Then, when I landed it, they were cooler.

“Oi mate… Legend!”

From one who is across the pond, I just wanna say how much I love how y’all talk.

Oops. That sounded southern USA. I’m actually from New Yawk.

haha, I think I got me a few good un’s
from texas

unicycles are gay!

youre gay you unicyclist

Stephen, you are so amazing with that unicycle, i like it (a girl I was talking to right after that kid said that)

then he tried to start something
i looked at him sideways
he called me gay again
i was like right back at ya!!
he said he could take me
i laughed and rode off

I wasn’t in the mood for that
so i went and launched off of some little ramp thingys that are fun to launch off of

… did a crankstall and hopped to rubber on something about 3’ high

did a massive…for me (about 45") crank grab from about 3’ away

my neighbor on his bike said(jokingly): dude!! i can do that

forgot the best one
some guy i did a decent longjump by said “no you can’t!!”

I was riding on one of those little spinning things in the park and my cousin said “one day you’re going to kill yourself on that thing” shortly after she said that I hit a wet spot on the thing and flew off my uni and I survived though so it’s all good

Last week I was on a midnight ride on mostly deserted streets. A guy passes by on the other side in a Mustang. When he spots me he hits the horn once to get my attention, then yells “YEEEEAAAAAHHHH!” It was really loud and echoed all over the place because of how quiet the midnight streets otherwise are.

I took that to mean he approved of my mode of transport. :smiley:

there was this one guy and he said he saw Muni while he was watching the X-games… Any one else?? i didnt

What you gotta do is as soon as they start making fun of u, you interupt and make fun of them in some way.Work to there weakness. Like if a fat guy or girl makes fun of you when riding, make fun of them before they can even get a word out. Then they wont even think about making fun of u on your uni. And if they do it’s kinda funny because its like you Made fun first so it’s like there “come back” to make fun of u on a uni.

I suppose that’s kinda mean though. It’d be funny if you did that and a guy had somthing good to say and you bash him before he gets it out.

Yeah…it’d be freaking hilarious. I’d probably fall off the uni, I’d be laughing so hard.

yesterday my tire went flat and I was less than a block from a Jiffy Lube car maintenance shop so I walked my uni in and asked if I could fill up my tire, the guy let me and while I was filling it up he said to an older worker “you should ride a bike like that” so the other guy said “that’d kill me” and the first guy said “thats what i was hoping.” so after I filled the tire the first guy asked me to ride it so I did a suicide mount and rode forwards a few feet then backwards and rode out, the two men applauded as I left and then one of my feet slipped off and I brought it up to the crown instinctively and was one footing for the first time. then I rode back to the park and someone who saw me leave the Jiffy Lube said “that S*** is F****** tight A**!!” about five minutes later I rode past a party of some sort and someone said “look at that kids bike”, another guy corrected him saying “that thing is one tire short of a bike.” then a third person said “Dude it’s called a Unicycle.” I smiled rode two or three revolutions backward then someone from the party yelled “DO a Backflip” to which I responded "I’m not quite that good yet and I rode back to my car getting several odd looks some "that’s not possible"s from a few younger kids and the park was mainly full of Hispanics and I got a lot of Spanish chatter that I didn’t understand.

hispanics in oregon?
okie dokie
well actually, Im white… and a minority (here anyways)

the other day I got a thats tizzite!!
then O M G that was freaking awesome

the coolest thing about it was it was some pretty cheerleaders :slight_smile:

I’m going down a very steep hill today. One that I’ve tried several times before and always UPD’d. The hill is about a hundred yards long with a tight right hand corner about halfway down. After the corner is a hump-backed bridge over a canal. Steep hill + tight corners + hump-backed bridge = UPD every time. On the corner of the turn is a solitary house.
As I’m going down, my face is a mask of concentration. Normally my arms just hang down by my side when I’m riding, but now they are raised in front of me for extra balance. I get to the tricky corner and hear a muffled “David! David! There’s a man on a unicycle going down our hill!” from inside the house.
A even more muffled “Hhuhh?” from upstairs.
I’m guessing maybe David is on the crapper.
This remark, followed by a pause from David must have gone on about five or six times until eventually I got to the bottom and was out of earshot.

Later on I was going along the canal path, which isn’t very wide at the best of times, and I see and old feller ahead of me with his back to me.
“S’cuse me!” I shout from around twenty yards away.
No response.
“Coming through!” I shout louder. Still no response.
“EXCUSE ME!” I bellow, around five yards away.
The old chap, obviously deaf as a post, turns round, looks at me, smiles and says, “Oh, you’re on one of those bikes!”
Another one to add to my collection of ‘EH?’ comments. :smiley:

As I rode the first flat part of a local muni trail, I caught up to 2 women and 3 dogs at the corner where the trail splits. I said “Excuse me” so as not to surprise them. Then, because one was sort of in the way, I said “I’m turning up there” and I motioned to the trail heading right and up the steep hill (steep enough that I don’t always make it to the top in one go).

One of the women said “Can you do that?” with a tone of surprise, and the other said “Yeah, really?”

I said “I’m gonna try, I’ve made it before.”

I made it, and didn’t UPD till the next hill, out of their sight.:smiley:

i love sneaking up behind people. can u imagine most likely never having seen someone ride a uni in your entire life simply to be almost run into by some guy on one. itd be hillarious. but im so sick of people saying things to me, like wheres the other wheel. i mean, i dont go up to fat people and say hey, jenny craigs thattaway.

I went riding today and there was a guy who was jogging and had his headphones on so he didn’t hear me come up behind him and so i slowed down and rode just behind and to the left of him. It took him 5 minutes to notice I was behind him and he looked at me did a double take pulled off his headphone said “OHH S***!, I though you’re bike was broken, but it’s just a unicycle. you F****** scared me dude holy S***.way to ride” I replied “well at least you know what a unicycle is called, most people just tend to call my unicycle “it” or “that Thing” see ya later I have to go this way.” after that I went to my regular riding area and got the usual “where’s you’re other wheel stuff”

I went down to buy textbooks and a guy outside the porter’s office saw me and yelled “AWW YEAH! Is the unicyle club back?” I of course responded with “HELLS YEAH!” :smiley: