Quote of the day (from non-riders)

Thanks for chiming in. It’s great to see other perspectives. That’s the great thing about unicycling … so many possibilities.

Exercise is a priority for me. One of the reasons I took up unicycling was because I was so bored with jogging. I was never a fast jogger so I don’t expect to be a fast cyclist. The 14 mile goal comes from attempting to do the Brooklyn Bridge ride only a few months after learning to unicycle. I walked up the first part of the bridge and then ran out of steam after three miles. I’m hoping to do it again some day and complete the whole ride to Coney Island.

I could have never gotten so far without all the good advice from folks (like you) on this web site. :slight_smile:

I also got the " I am so impressed" the other day, and the more I thought about it…the more I think maybe it wasn’t a compliment…it was a woman who leaned out her car window as they drove by me on a city street. but she didn’t put any accent on the word so…that’s a tough one for me…but I try to ignore the crappy ones and soak up the good ones…I’ve noticed the bulk of good ones
come from woman…

Of note, I live in a hilly area that is popular with bicyclists, so even though I am out about 6 a.m. on weekends for 1-2 hours, there are still many cyclists out on the roads and hills.

While cycling the day after Thanksgiving, I was passed by a half a dozen bicyclists. One turns around after he passes me.

“This is like a celebrity sighting! It’s Unicycle Guy. We see you occasionally but never get so close.”

Now it is starting to make sense when a cyclist pass me by and say “Hi Unicycle Guy”.

I couldn’t quickly think of good comebacks on the “celebrity sighting” comment, but a few came to me long after they left.

We’ve all heard the numerous variations of “WYOW”, but every once in a while, we might hear something new and different. Today, while out for a muni ride, two mtb-ers saw me riding towards them on my G26er, and just as they passed me I heard one say to the other, “is that how our bikes will end up!?”. While still in ear shot I replied back, “If you’re lucky!” :smiley:

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I find the most common remark is “Do a wheely”.

Any good replies to that one?

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Carefull with that one, i met a guy on a bicycle at a traffic light once. He was very boisterous and made some snug remars only to ride away on his rear tire doing a wheely until he was out of sight.

sometimes not saying anything and just smiling pays off.

I have two stock ones:
“I am”
do a bunny hop

Out night-riding along the seafront last night. Someone leaned out of a parked car and shouted:

‘You are my God!’

I had already passed him/them by this point, so I just waved my hand in the air in response :slight_smile:

On a muni ride with Noli, as we’re both doing a still stand on the side of the trail to let a couple bikes pass, the woman in back says:

Oh, two wheels and no frame.

In hind sight, it might have been a joke, but she seemed to be suffering from the climb, so maybe she just wasn’t thinking clearly. Either way, I found it funny.

“I bet you couldn’t do that with your eyes closed.”

They’d lose that bet.


It was cold outside in KC today so I was practicing inside at my gym. I was having a pretty good session working on rolling mounts straight into idling, and static mounts straight into bunny hopping. One of the personal trainers there watched me while as he was abusing a client by making her push a sled full of weights up and down the gym.

After watching me for a while and said to me “Charlie O you are getting quite Ninja like on that thing”

I thought to my self “I’ll take that any day”.:D: I am becoming a “UniNinja”! :sunglasses: It has given me a smile when I think about it all day.

My best yet.

“Oh, hey, no, you can’t be cooler than me in front of my kids.”

Says the dad after his kids go nuts seeing me on the bike path.

The dad was so quick and so cool. My fave comment yet.

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We all get comments from time to time, but most are nothing we haven’t heard before. This was an exception! First one came as a young mtber was coming towards me, and right as he passed he yelled out, “What the F### was that!?” Second one was an mtber who said as he rode by, “Sexually impressive!” That was a definite first, lol! Didn’t quite know how to respond to that one!

A young father walking with his very young son along the beach bike path, as I ride past.
Father: Look, a unicycle!
Son: It’s a onsie!

I laughed.

I was doing hill repeats and as I was coming down on the trail next to the road coming up I noticed a spandex clad roady. As he neared he mustered up a single comment in a deep voice “impressive”. That was definitely more info then I get from most road riders. :smiley:

as I was riding with my Muni that guy was fishing …
Didn’t say anything… just turned his head, stared … and lost balance! …

well no he did not fall into the pond but that was a near miss :o!

i usually ride to work on a 36" unicycle. I rarely get any comments anymore so i guess people get used to the idea. Today i was on a small bicycle because i overstretched my foot UPD’ing into the sidewalk last weekend.

A guy sees me and shouts " Hey you have one wheel too many ".

I could not come up with a snappy reply to that one …

that should be the norm! Anything over one wheel is wasteful. :slight_smile:

I think you need to be able to wheelie to respond to that:

“Not any more”

I was out for a morning ride the other day and passed a mother walking hand in hand with her son, who I’d guess to be about 7-8 years old. I was expecting some sort of “wow” comment from him but instead as I passed he turned to his mother and in a loud voice proclaimed “that’s dangerous!”

I’m not sure what to make of it…

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