Quote of the day (from non-riders)

Towards the end of a circular ride today, a young girl of about 10 shouted to her sister, “Look, there’s the one-handed thing.”

Is this a quiz show?

guy: Do you know the speed record for a unicycle?
me: Ah,
guy: 80 miles an hour. Now that’s fast, even on a motorcycle.
me: :astonished:
He was talking 'bout those motorized mono-cycle things.

later that day… I’m riding UP(my friends walked) the mountain to the Makapuu lighthouse. It has a 300+ degree ocean view. It’s a good whale watching place.

another guy sez: Guinness book?
me: no, just for fun

Here’s a great one. Riding my 36er on the beach bike path, a guy says:

“Cool, a Tricycle!” So I replied, haha no, it’s a UNIcycle. He then said, “well, to me it’s a Tricycle” I asked why. he said, "Because I know I can’t ride it, I can only “TRY”, so for me it’s the ultimate “TRY-Cycle”! :stuck_out_tongue:

Some comments over the last few days:

Bicyclist: “Nice machine, but where’s the shift lever?”

Me: “It’s a fixie.”

Pedestrian: "From back there is looks like you’re riding ‘no hands.’ "

Me: I am riding ‘no hands.’ "

“Dude” on a bike: “Now that’s the sh*t!”

Me: <grin>

oh, as you learn to ride and travel more places and ride everywhere. you will hear lots of positive and negetive coments. i don’t get to many negetive, but you will hear alot of both good and bad. i just get entertainment out of it.LOL. skateparks are really fun listening to people. :slight_smile:

The good old classic “where’s your other wheel?” is what I mostly get. So I say “Its the credit crunch- I can’t afford the other”

Little girl (about 9 yrs): Oh my God! Is that a one-wheeler?
Me: Yup.
LG: I cant believe you can ride it.
Me: Neither can I.

“I’m following the wheelbarrow!” from a 5 year old girl on her bicycle…


I was riding my uni while wearing my “I’m single” unicycle t-shirt, and a (10 year old?) girl asked me, “Are you obsessed with unicycles?”

Haha I love that! Very clever double meaning! Kinda like my “Not 2 tired”. :slight_smile: Do you have a pic of the shirt? I’d love to get one.

Wow. For the first time ever, I just got that! I feel so stupid right now…:o

went and watched some track racing at the velodrome and got massive props from the cyclists who rode with me when I summated a few massive hills around here and hit 28mph. Also got a lot of people saying cool stuff that I can’t remember. Yesterday though a car full of girls was yelling at me and asking me to marry them haha.

I got it on Shirt Woot the day of the sale, so it was $10-free shipping.
This is me in Michigan this past week:

Don’t you just love that? I’ve never been asked to give up my singleness, but some girls like to lean out car windows and shout, “You’re awesome!” :slight_smile:

Well, boys, if you think you get great comments while unicycling, open your ears when you go out riding and juggling simultaneously! It can’t get much better than this:

Insert gutteral female voice as you read.

Today I was riding along a trail and encounters a discerning woman out walking her dog. She watched me come up the trail, and pulled her dog aside.

“Wow, I’m impressed!”

To which I responded, “Thank you.”

“That is just like those guys in South America”

I am thinking, huh? I venture, “You mean Panama?”

She said, “Yea, they were riding unicycles there and were interviewed on NPR.”

Clearly she was a very discerning dog-walker. :slight_smile: Thank you to Team Personal Rollercoaster for the reflected glory. Instead of being some hooligan* on one wheel, I brought to mind intrepid explorers!

*Of course, I could not really be a “hooligan” because I am not British. Here is America, the term is reserved for British soccer (Football) fan. :stuck_out_tongue:

Today I rode past a building where a wedding reception was going on. A couple outside asked me, “If we played circus music, would you ride around [inside]?” I said I would do that, but I don’t think the guy was the emcee or anything. So nothing came of that.

Just before that, I had a few guys hail me, asking where my other wheel was. They said that they were just talking about me the other day and said that I was “a beast” on my uni. :slight_smile:

I used to track how many car accidents my riding almost caused, when I used to ride along a busy street to school.

When I added juggling to the mix, the numbers climbed dramatically. I had to stop counting. And doing both away from home base.

It wasn’t fun anymore.

Cool uni shirt!

Got to the trail at 7am this morning trying to get done before it got too sunny and hot, but it remained overcast and cool all day, to my utter delight! :stuck_out_tongue: So anyway, I was called by “UniGeezer” at least 4 times by different people that I hadn’t met before, so that was weird lol! They must have seen my website or something. :o On the flip side, this one lady saw me riding her way and RAN in the opposite direction and off the trail! And this I was at least 50 feet away! By the time I got to that part of the trail, she had disappeared!

It seems you have found a woman with a rare case of uniphobia. :roll_eyes: