Does anyone know how to make those kind of quizzes where it’s multiple choice and then at the end, depending on your answers, it says something like, “You are a super big idiot” or “You are an ‘A Class’ unicyclist” or whatever? I kind of want instructions or a program where you can do both multiple choice or like the “Unicycle Fanatic” quiz on where it’s like a percentile, but if you only have one of the two it’s okay. Thanks!
Cool, I just found one! Now that this thread is going, why don’t you take my cool test?!?:
I know this kind of copies the one on, but it’s still pretty different, so try it out:
So what, I like this one better. I got 75%.
You didnt have street listed!
Also, the very last question, did you find this quiz in R.S.U. , is a trick question, its not in rsu its in just conversation. I got confused and had to start all over again.
Mine came out at 67%. Is that good? I didn’t study very hard for the quiz.
what if we have more than 4 unis?