Quiz maker?

Does anyone know how to make those kind of quizzes where it’s multiple choice and then at the end, depending on your answers, it says something like, “You are a super big idiot” or “You are an ‘A Class’ unicyclist” or whatever? I kind of want instructions or a program where you can do both multiple choice or like the “Unicycle Fanatic” quiz on Unicycle.co.uk where it’s like a percentile, but if you only have one of the two it’s okay. Thanks!


Cool, I just found one! Now that this thread is going, why don’t you take my cool test?!?: http://www.quizie.com/test.php?testid=565301

I know this kind of copies the one on unicycle.com, but it’s still pretty different, so try it out: http://www.quizie.com/test.php?testid=565317

i got 54%

So what, I like this one better. I got 75%.

You didnt have street listed!

Also, the very last question, did you find this quiz in R.S.U. , is a trick question, its not in rsu its in just conversation. I got confused and had to start all over again.

Mine came out at 67%. Is that good? I didn’t study very hard for the quiz.

what if we have more than 4 unis?