Quitting uni for a new super-cool sport

Call me the Rot Meister-no, I’m Any Terrain, don’t call me the Rot Meister.
And I had my disability before I started to listen to Lil B.

I’m gonna mod my skate bike into a mountain skate bike

I wasnt aware they were making a comeback, i thought they were real collectors items nowadays

seriously guys both of you grow up.

Yo NotSoYoungOne…

Niggas hatin on me bro, but I don’t give a fuck, bitch!
Young BasedGod in the motherfucker
Lil B’s god, He look like Jesus
And I’m coming with that motherfucking heater
Bitch, suck my dick. Ride up

Jon B
Julia B

Thanks for supporting Lil B

Post has been reported for offensive language

They’re only going to go up in value now that they’re back on the scene. I’m starting the skate bike revolution, bringing back the 80’s outfits too. You’ll see me rollin down the street on my skatebike in a neon blue jumpsuit!

here in australia i hear they got really big for about 3-6 months then just died out

If I found one at a garage sale, I’d buy it in a hearbeat… for 10 bucks… 20 if its mind condition :wink:

i wonder if you could wheelie them?

Wow, that has to be the most unintelligible string of disjointed filth and profanity I have ever encountered.

I will not let this go. This is a personal assault on me, and is actually a violation of law in several states (maybe all 50, I don’t know). Did you know that you cannot just verbally assault someone like this? I may decide to pursue this legally. Seriously.

At a minimum I will not desist until you are permanently banned from this community.

If anyone else here on the community would care to join me, after reading this filth, please contact the system admin and show them the disgusting posts by Any Terrain here on this thread. Thanks. NSYO.

way ahead of you

absolutely! if you can do it on a normal bike I’m sure you can do it on a Max Skate Bike

Yeah but with a normal bike you have handle bars

Well they grab the seat, it’s like a uni in that way, that’s how they hop it. I’d imagine it would be an incredibly awkward wheelie though, since the tire is like right under you. But that might make it easier?

Well its a freewheeling hub…so i dont know

They do it on bikes! I thought for a long time that all trials bikes were fixed, but they’re not.

yes but they use brakes to hold the wheels

Easy with the fixed-wheel models, probably a lot harder with freewheel ones. Even with a brake, your leverage will be much less than on a bike where the handlebars (brake location) give you a much better ability to control the movements of the machine.

Sticks and stones, man. Good luck with the legal angle if you choose to pursue it. But you really think you’re going to scare this kid with threats? Best way to kill a troll is to stop feeding it. He either goes away, grows up and rejoins the community, or goes the opposite way and gets himself banned more quickly by really overdoing it.

Send an email to Gilby if you want to try to speed up the process.

Just remember, everyone, everything you say online will be searchable forever. Places like this are not schoolyards, not classrooms, and not the dinner table.