Sorry, unicycling just doesn’t have the flair that the Max Skate Bike has, plus MJ rides one.
This isn’t that new bro… I urge you to reconsider. At least stay on these forums as an ex-unicyclist… I love having you here you are super cool.
I’m glad you were able to ruin the fun of this thread right off the bat with your sarcasm and childish comments.
How did a ruin the fun man? There wasn’t much fun to start with… it is sad to loose you.
In the next few days you will look back on these posts in embarrassment.
Nah man. Why would I be embarresed that I want you to stay and continue to be a unicyclist?
Besed for life, Based 'til death.
I was pretty much convinced 8 seconds into the video. It has nothing to do with that woman in the super hot pink top. Screw this one wheel garbage, I’m getting a Skate Bike! Even those dumb cops are still using regular skateboards! Lolz!~
I know, they look so foolish on their “skateboards”. And that babe in the pink was smokin hot. I wonder how much they had to pay MJ to be in their commercial.
One of the funniest threads ever. (I’m not being sarcastic)
I know good well that you are not making fun of the Max Skate Bike…
If you wanna get a girl like that you gotta have swag like Lil B… He gets bitches sucking his dick like e’ery day.
It’s so nice that they let the wannabe-ghetto white children with down syndrome participate in the forums, isn’t Any Terrain just adorable?
Some of us were alive in the 80s.
Have fun finding someone else to skatebike with. Then we’ll see you back here next week.
And don’t insult the kids with Down Syndrome by connecting them with 'Lil suckee.
Michael Jackson was paid 1.5 M to appear in that promo. Accept no imitations!
are you insulting people with down syndrome? It is a serious condition and you should not joke around with it.
I was born in 89, I partied pretty hard back then.
Hey, Max Skate Bike is coming back, you laugh now, but you’ll see!! I’ll have so many people to Skate Bike with.
I apologize to anyone with a real mental dis-labeled-ability, I meant no harm.
thanks for apologizing to me bro. We cool now?
Ya know Any Terrain, or Lil B, or whatever your name is, this forum is for decent communication. I don’t know what makes you think such vulgar talk is acceptable but it is not. My 12 year old daughter, not to mention a bunch of other nice people like to visit this forum frequently and none of them need to be assaulted with this kind of filth.
I hope you will get it figured out, but let me be clear that if I see anything like this again I will contact the site admin and seek to have your rights to post permanently removed.
Now, back to the humor of the original thread…
I have nothing to apologize to you for, you don’t have a mental disability… you’re just stupid.
… That isn’t cool man. I do have a mental disability.
I told you to stop listening to that Lil B music, it rots your brain.