I don’t know if it holds here in the Pacific Northwest where Micro-Brews abount but this is disturbing.
I think the first place to start is to re-train every server that, when one askes what beers they serve, not to lead of with: “Bud, Bud-Light”. Start with the real beers for goodness sake.
Of course this applies only to those of legal drinking age and/or those under proper parental supervision.
Oh it’s not like bars are going to stop stocking beer through lack of demand, so what’s the problem? Personally I’ve never seen the attraction, in my experience if it looks like p*** it probably tastes like it too (the exception being cider).
But seriously, drinking provides a moderate amount of fun with no side effects for hundreds of millions of people. Of course in some cases things go bad, alcholism is terrible, but isn’t that the case with everything? If i was worried about my health, or looking stupid in public, I’d give up unicycling.