Quicken (Fall Video)

Hi, this is a video that I recently made:

Music: Thousand Foot Krutch-Quicken

Univision link coming soon.

I mainly focused on the riding and a little bit of editing, so it is all filmed on my deck.

I worked hard on this video and these are pretty much my best tricks.
Comments are appreciated.

You’re sponsored by UDC? Nice! You’ve gotten heaps better dude, treyside completely suprised me. Some parts had a bit much hop on wheel, but everything was nice. :slight_smile:

Thanks! I really appreciate the feedback.



Wow, impressive stuff!

I thought the trick at 1:45 was pretty nifty. I haven’t seen that before :slight_smile:

How old are you and how long have you been riding??

You’re pretty much a beast.

Thanks! I think it was a backroll-sidejump mount.

Thanks! I’m 13 and have been unicycling for almost a year now.

That is realllllly good improvement. Keep at it, man. You’re going to be so good in no time.

Thanks again.