Questions about tires

I have a KH24 on the way and am trying to decide what tire I want to put on it. I will be puting more concrete/blacktop miles on the tire than Muni. I have to drive at least 15 minutes for any real offroad riding. So most of my practice time will be in my neighborhood. I was looking at the fireball, and the Hoggy G. It seems the price has dropped significantly on the Fireball, and I can order the Hoggy G from for a total of $44.95 total with shipping. Has anyone got one of these on there Uni, and can tell me the benifits/drawbacks. I have read a lot of info on the Fireball, mostly interested in feedback on the Hoggy G. Also if anyone knows a place in the US to buy them to reduce the cost of shipping. 3G ships from Taiwan, and it seems a little $$$.

I can’t believe 45 people have looked at this question and not one person has an opinion?

Presumably no-one in that 45 owns a Hoggy-G… they’re not the most common tyres around.

A proper search might find more, but a quick one found this…

…which might be useful.


Very few people have had an opportunity to try the Hoggy-G on a unicycle so you aren’t going to get much if any response that compares the ride of the Hoggy-G to the Fireball. USA got a sample Hoggy-G tire in to play with. I’m sure that they have taken that tire out for a spin. They are the only people I can think of that would be able to compare how the Hoggy-G rides compared to the Fireball.

When the Hoggy-G becomes available I plan on getting one. I already have a Fireball. I’ll let the two tires duke it out and may the best one win.

Best I can tell it is available directly from 3GBikes. It is $24.95 plus $20 shipping since it is comming from Taiwan. I reccomend you be the first on the block to give it a test drive. With your experience you would be infinitely more qualified to review the tire and its applicability to Uni.