i am taking the advice of some people here and using the search button.
however, i can’t seeem to find what i need.
for example, i am trying to find out how to ride one-footed.
i go to advanced searcg, type in: one footed then change the thing under it to search post titles only and then i change the thing on the bottom to sort by relevancy.
the results that i get are nowhere near what i am looking for and i basically have to go through 4 pages of garbage to get to what i need.
is there anyway to make the search thing look for both words in my search phrase rather than look for the word “one” and then “footed,” as this seems to be what it is doing.
oh and i dont know if this is the right forum to post this in, so sorry in advance.
Did you select to search in the RSU forum only? That would exclude a lot of non-unicycling stuff.
Yeah the search is pretty useless sometimes. I practically never use it myself. Oh well.
Ah don’t worry about it. Most of us don’t even mind, and the ones that do you can just ignore.
(this would be the right one to post this in though)
I have always been able to find what i need, I rarely have the need to search for anything though.
does this help (good old search function worked for me)
Adding quotes to what you are searching for usualy helps narrow the results although sometimes too narrow. I’m sure someone else can list off the functions for a search. I remember there being like ways of using like minus and plus and equals signs to get more direct searches, but it might only be for search engines.
Dont change to relevancy and that will help quite a bit.
Thanx for using the SEARCH function and thanx for asking about it.
I hope you’ve come right.
If you haven’t, do bear in mind that nobody will have a problem with a thread starting:
"I’ve read thru previous threads on learning to ride one-footed but can’t find one that talks about my specific problem.
My problem is…"
Ny problem is that I just can’t do it.
I think it’s impossible in the SOuthern Hemisphere.