Question about car commercial license plates

Hey everybody, I figure somebody here may know something on the matter.

Car commericials. Obviously a big ol’ license plate would ugly up the new car on TV.

Any insight onto why, on those cars, do you see the letters and numbers of a license plate but it’s the same colour as the car?

The only thing I could think of is that they are not allowed to glamourize driving unregisterred, but keeping the prettiness of the car?

Any takers?

It’s probably more along the lines of, they don’t want it to have no license plate because that looks wierd. They don’t want you to see a license plate from a state that’s not yours, because then it looks uncomfortable and unfamiliar and you’d be less likely to buy the car.

So, they specifically designed something that you would not notice…you had to screw things up by noticing.


Why do I have to go mess up EVERYTHING ?!?
