Pure unicycle trial (part1)

i’ve been riding trial and street for about 1year and ± 10months I think :slight_smile:

and thanks for the comments :roll_eyes:

Belgium has Talent … Wonderful skills my man!!!

Super Tim

Ongelooflijk om te zien hoe jij in maar één jaar bent vooruit gegaan!!!
Geweldig… te meer omdat ik jou voor het eerst vorig jaar in Roermond heb gezien.
Toen al vond ik het verbijsterend dat je Frank (my alltime favoriet, door hem ben ik gaan trialen) hebt verslagen…
Enorm genoten van iedere seconde van je film…(ook al was camwerk niet altijd professioneel, boeit niet: het gaat om TRIAL !!)
Ik kom je wel ergens tegen …
groetjes Rob

haha thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

A year ± 10 months can be everything from 2 months to 22 months. I don’t believe that you have only been riding for 2 months :p. You are way too good, great ups, amazing balance, and that you dare do lines like the pedalgrab over the skinnie to the big stairset is amasing/amazing. ( :thinking: ) The 8 minutes went by way too fast. I wish the same happened to my math lessons… :frowning:
But I read somewhere, that you said that you could do “serious skinnies”, and serious skinnies in my world is like gapping from the 130 cm high wall to the skinnies you gapped over, riding over the bumps on the fence in the line, where you broke a garbage bin/can ( :thinking: ) and such things, but you got really close.

Favourited for sure!

euh… no, THAT are insane bails… I even don’t think Joe hoghes can do that… The only one who can do that is Jezus :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

WooHoo Tim

great vid

now jump the hight you pedalgrap and go for the record!

that was nice. a refresher and makes me wanna ride. thanks bud

It is only insane bails when you miss, when you actually do it, it is insane rails :p:)

But I think that Jezus should make more vids. He ought to have a video camcorder. He is the son of God after all.

id like to see you do it.Joe hodges reckons its impossible to drop gap to a rail unless its pretty small.Ive tried on my bar at home and theres no way you can do it without a brake

I’d like to do it :slight_smile:
Do you mean landing on the rail… uhh… turned 90 degrees?

The first 2 minutes and 12 seconds are good, but I think there is too many high jump. I hope i’ll be able to see all the 8 minutes 21 seconds, if my computer can load it all:(