Public Education System Is Corrupt

And by the way, it’s prolly a LOT more corrupt than you can begin to know, having to do with things you will never know.

yeah, the previous principal at my school was trying to save money by severly limiting the use of heating in the winter. loser.

Funny, our principal tries to save money during summer by limiting the use of the air conditioner.

Wanna trade?

Funny, my old school turned on the A/C in the winter.

my school doesnt have an air conditioner haha and the heater breaks at least once a month

ah proubly neaded it cus this winter sucked a#$ :angry: dam globl worming

If someone sold A/C’s here she/he would be filthy stinkin’ rich. If someone sold heaters he/she would be poor. :stuck_out_tongue: