PSA: Medium Rare Pork Chops

As many of you may or may not know, this is now healthfully acceptable. For many, many years (even in my day) this would be considered taboo on the grounds of the CERTAIN DEATH creepy crawlies that could have been lurking about in your chops.

Through years of domestication and mutation, this other white meat is now perfectly edible when it’s pink and juicy and dripping with flavor. I know many of you old timers simply couldn’t do it, on the grounds of being raised to eat otherwise, but let me assure you the difference is ASTRONOMICAL!!

Tonight was the first night I had the priviledge of enjoying the aforementioned protein, not necessarily on purpose though (my mom isn’t the finest culinary mind). The difference in taste and texture is equivelent to taking 2 fillet mignon’s, one medium rare and the other keep on the grill for an hour, there simply isn’t a contest.

In fact, before tonight I have always been somewhat iffy on porkchops, some good, many mediocre, and even more still just plain bad. Now that I am informed and fully aware of the differences, my pork shall never be gray and stripped of it’s potential juicy, tender, suculence again.

I felt as though I should spread the word and get the news out as to why most porkchops are terrible.

HOW TO TELL MEDIUM RARE: Just barely touch your forefinger and thumb together and the with your other hand touch the fleshy mass at the bottom of your thumb, that is the firmness your looking for.

Just doin my part,


This old timer has, for decades, found few things tastier than inch thick boneless porkies grilled about 10 minutes per side with lots of soaked hickory chips on the coals and a can of water in the middle of the coals to produce steam. The results are a juicy, tender, pinkish white, richly smoked porky that is unsurpassed in flavor. Trichinosis is very rare in the US these days.

Trichinosis is for sissies. The woman here had a pork tapeworm living in her brain. Yikes!

What drives me nuts is people who send back fish because it has been cooked medium, and then go and order some sushi on the side?! What is wrong with these people!!?!?!?! Anyone who eats well done anything should just stick to cereal for their life, meat should be reserved for those who eat is RAW!

Well done is the best way to eat it. Duh.

I am a “well-done” loving person and I am cracking up right now because as I was reading that I was scooping some delicious cereal into my mouth. Pretty funny.

Awesome! Im gonna cook some pork chops up tomorrow night.

make sure they are way squishier and pinker than you have ever had them jerrick.
they will be much better!!
