ps2 mod chips

anyone installed one themselves? im looking to get a cheap clone.

what they do?

they let you play bootleg burned videogames or games from other countries

Ive installed magic 3.x chips in my fat PS2’s. I hate soldering though. Its risky business. If you have a little PC knowledge I suggest buying a network card and a hard drive for your fat PS2 and getting HDloader (google it). Easier, quicker, less wear on the PS2, no soldering and no risk/no chip.

I’ve done a PS1 but they are way easier because they only have like 6 wires to solder and ps2s have like 30 or 40. I looked into it for my slim ps2 but I never acually did it. All I know is that you need different chips depending on whether u have a fat or slim system.

i have a fat one:D i can solder, not great but well enough to make a remote control coilgun that shoots ball bearings. the electromagnet was constructed using disposable camera parts. very cool. anyway its an old ps2 so im not too worried.

I got a mod chip. Cost me $80 to get it installed. I think you should get it installed by someone experienced in that area, its to risky to do and i mean all for a few less dollars isnt worth it. I mean what if u broke it, now what?