debating between the two addvice on wich one would be nice joined today ride cx ready for new one.
I don’t know what that means.
There is already a ton of information on these forums about the LX and DX. Sounds like you just need to make a decision. Buy the LX now or save your money and buy the DX later.
get the dx. its a little heavy but will stand up to anything a new rider can do. its got a splined hub, which the lx doesnt, which is really good, and the dx is one of the cheapest splined unis you can get. if you get the lx, you;re going to end up buying something better anyway, so the dx is the best bet.
the dx is one of the cheapest splined unis you can get. QUOTE]
thankes but yhe problem is i cant aford a400 doller uni for6 monthes or so
[quote=“uni man 22”]
Then wait six months.
Hopefully by then your typing will be understandable.
Assuming THAT^^^ is what you meant to say…
I’d go for the DX, 20" and 24" are the same price (260 USD) so pick whichever suits your style. And if it takes you a few months to save up, then save up, boy, learn the value of a dollar (or 260).
Buy me a Uniman-English dictonary please!
i know my typing sucks and spelling but who cares
You need a dx my brother has one. Do not worry about your spelling my spelling is bad to.
get the dx, there’s a d next to the x instead of the l for a reason.
Would you like to take a vote? That’s the only understandable thing you’ve typed so far.
The DX is better…splined hub beats unsplined, always…wait the 6 months, and treat the CX with care until then…it will be worth it.
Get the 24" for Muni, and the 20" for trials or street