proposing chat session every saturday night

Everytime I I go on to the chatroom no one is there so I propose a chat sessions every saturday night. This way people can talk about random things or even settle some beaf with someone else. I dont know ho well this is going to work with people who dont live in the same time area but it may work . If there are any ideas on how to make this all work feel free to put your 2 cents in.


First of all, Saturday is the worst possible night you could ever pick.

Secondly, specify a time and time zone for it to start, we don’t all live in the same place.

on another forum I go to, they used to just agree to sign in to the chatroom every weekend. so throughout the whole weekend was when the main chats were going on. lets do that, yeah?

Sounds good to me. What do you think obie

Tuesday, Midnight Greenwich mean time

meh I like James’ idea better. and we know people are on through the weekend including you so it works out fine

I refuse to comply. Anyone who wishes to chat with me, 12:00 GMT, Tuesday nights.

stubborn bastard lol

I dunno… I hate to say it, but obie has a point. On weekends I’m usually out doing something most of the time. The times I post the most are weekday nights after midnight. So I would think weekends would not be the best time for chat…But, thats just me…and maybe I’m odd. Maybe everyone else likes weekends. Meh!


come on really who wants to spend there weekends chating on a forum well everyone else is out acctualy doing something i like obies idea of having it on nights where mostly everyone is at home (meaning during the week mon - fri). id rather be out partying with friends then chating about unicycling online. maybe im not as hardcore unicyclist as you? :thinking:

it dont matter to me. besides I was jokin when I called obie a stubborn bastard



I think he is jokin drewation

You got it.


Obie… when I said I hate to say it but I agree with you. I didnt mean agreeing with you was a bad thing, just at that point you were the only one saying weekends were a bad idea, and I meant that I hate to say it, but I’ll also have to side against everyone else.
Nothing about you, just…yeah
no offence!

oh you vile vile creature!


oh poor, poor Obie subject to such psychological terrors as the ones you have inflicted upon him.

You mam, are cold. As cold as a grave-digger’s feet.


there there Obie, these hard times will pass, don’t let this she-demon’s tauntings get to you.


lol… you now know my secret- I’m a she demon! now I must kill… popcorn!

(I dont know either)