Last night, a propane depot exploded in Toronto. Just thought you guys might find it interesting to see. Apparently there have been no fatalities, but I’m not sure how many injuries. (Check out 1:50)
Update: One firefigher was killed. 12000 were evacuated, many of which are temporarily set up at York University.
Yeah that is nuts for sure. I couldn’t drive anywhere today. The 401 is the artery of this city.
I wonder how many people thought we were being attacked or something.
our propane tank on our grill blew up this after noon. huge fire ball and it kept leaking gas and we had to fight it till the fire men got to our house.
I had a connection flight in Toronto today…
I’m going to Darrens tomorrow, sure hope it’s a cleared up by then.
They also evacuated one of the biggest malls in Toronto, so I couldn’t see Pineapple Express . I absolutely cannot believe how big that explosion gets at 1:50.
that was one big ass explosion at 1 min 50 sec.