I’ve never seen a perfect circle. Have you?
I do have faith in the existence of perfect circles though.
I’ve never seen a perfect circle. Have you?
I do have faith in the existence of perfect circles though.
I saw them playing in the Quad Cities a few years ago. They were pretty good.
Please explain seeing imaginary numbers.
I was just pointing out that I thought you were confused between irrational numbers (which are a type of REAL number), and imaginary numbers (which aren’t)
And Phlegm, I hope you won’t be offended if I simply ignore your statement, as I think you were joking and it was sort of irrelevant. I’m sorry if you meant that seriously.
I’m not offended, but I did mean it seriously. Maybe I should’ve left the off. I am a believer in the world of math!
please explain seeing pi. When you look at a circle you think of pi, when i look at a capacitor i think of i.
Yes, But I explained why a circle has anything to do with Pi. You haven’t yet explained how a capacitor has anything at all to do with imaginary numbers. I’m just interested.
Btw, check this proof of 2 = 1 (found on the internet):
-2 = -2
4 - 6 = 1 - 3
4 - 6 + 9/4 = 1 - 3 + 9/4
(2 - 3/2)2 = (1 - 3/2)2
2 - 3/2 = 1 - 3/2
2 = 1
The problem is that the solution to a square route always has to have a +/- sign.
1-3+9/4 does not = (1-3/2)2
he meant ^2
just saw that you mean (2-3/2)^2 not (2-3/2)*2
peleschramm, you beat me to it
oh ok, fair dos, the impedance of a capacitor is -j/wC (j is used in place of i in electronics to avoid confusion with the use of i for current).
The impedance of an inductor is jwL.
So any calculation involving the relationship between potential difference ad current will involve j.
Ok, I guess I’ll take your word for it, as I know very little about electricity.
actually you can take the square root of a negative number using i.
i=(-1)^(1/2) so (-4)^(1/2)=2i
Hey math ninja, you’re freakin’ killing me. Not only have we established that in this thread already, but we’ve even discussed the best way to teach or not teach it.
well excuse me for not wanting to read through pages and pages of crap before i post.
Pages and pages? Dude, you posted halfway down the third page. Also, the answer was posted two posts after the question, ON THE FIRST PAGE. You only had to read three posts.
No hard feelings, I just think it’s funny, that’s all.
Seager, give him a break. Talking at everyone is much easier than talking with them.
I love this thread. You guys are all nerds, and it’s great.