pronunciation of 'avatar'?

Is there a set way to pronounce avatar? What do you think of it as when you read it?

I usually read it as ‘Ay-vay-ter’ but I know it’s probally more like ‘ah-va-tar’ or ‘ay-va-tar’

I say it like “av-uh-tarrr.”

you could check, which says

Main Entry: av·a·tar
Pronunciation: 'a-v&-"tär
Function: noun
Etymology: Sanskrit avatAra descent, from avatarati he descends, from ava- away + tarati he crosses over – more at UKASE, THROUGH
1 : the incarnation of a Hindu deity (as Vishnu)
2 a : an incarnation in human form b : an embodiment (as of a concept or philosophy) often in a person
3 : a variant phase or version of a continuing basic entity

these people at school said it a weird way, but they said it was the correct way,
as for me, i say it avatar

I say it

Click the little red “speak” button right after it says

Main Entry: av·a·tar

on this page.

I hate you

This word has no pronounciation. It is forbidden to speak it.

a-va-tar, i pretty much just say it all together and say it the same as habbywall

No, you are thinking about the word AWESOME.

One should not speak or write that word.

I agree and rebel.

That’s because you’re AWESOME.

It’s uh-vat-her, as in the sentence:

They poured the fish brine into avatar father had brought from the storage shed.


It’s amazing how two people can look at the same word and see something so simililar but yet completely different.

I thought it was pronounced 'av-at-her (have at her) as used in this sentence:

Well all of you can pronounce it the way you like but here is the correct pronunciation (even the merriam dictionary pronunciation is wrong).
Pronounce The first A as Uhhh,
The V as in Virtual
The next A again as Uhhhh,
The T like Th in thatch(though it should bend more towards the Th in The)
and AR like Are.
So it should be like Uh.V.Uh.Th.Are
And pronounce it quickly.
Source: I’m an Indian. We were the ones who made the word, weren’t we now?

Plus you can hear the correct pronunciation here:
Avatar Sanskrit Pronunciation

What an odd first post.


But I have been corrected.

I want to see ‘Avatar’ so badly! It looks so good:D

Yes. Turn on the TV (in the US) and wait for a commercial for the movie.

Apparently it was made down here in New Zealand, at least the special effects (WETA Workshop)! So if you live in NZ, turn on the news instead. :slight_smile:

WETA workshop is the coolest place on earth.