Is anyone else currently having problems with AOL? I am having problems staying online. I get kicked off and the search function seems to have problems finding sites that I know exist.
I am just trying to figure out if it is my computer or AOL. This all started in the last week.
I’m on AOL, and I recognize the symptoms you describe, and I feel your pain. I’m using AOL 5 at the moment because it seems a little more stable than the later versions.
Strangely, my computer won’t stay connected to certain specific websites; annoyingly, one of them is and I have to borrow a computer when I want to buy something from Roger! I also have connection problems with
Some days it’s worse than others. However, I spent a short time using Freeserve a few months back and didn’t notice it being any better.
I think it might be the roadworks rather than the car that’s slowing the journey.
(I’m not really that against it… I’ve never actually even used the service…I just hate those stupid versions update cds that come in the mail every week!)