Being in the military and in the Middle East, I can easily say that President Bush is doing an incredible job. Anyone who believes otherwise, well… go ahead and move to Canada…
ok you don’t have to leave… but you owe me a beer
Being in the military and in the Middle East, I can easily say that President Bush is doing an incredible job. Anyone who believes otherwise, well… go ahead and move to Canada…
ok you don’t have to leave… but you owe me a beer
Re: Re: Re: Pro-Bush Only on this thread
I meant games NIGHT, but I think you got the idea.
Canadians, Mexicans, and anyone else from North America can legitimately compete at NAUCC (North American Unicycling CC). Let’s see, the pro-Bush camp consists of Bugman, Zod, John Childs and …
Oh, I’ve got something good to say about Bush:
He hasn’t invaded Iran yet!
Way to post that 20 minutes after it was created.
Tim Braun…
well I dont think I can make it:( but if I could I know we kick major a–. Not saying without me they cant.
Whats your problem? I Knew that from previous threads on the subject. Why are you always trying to attack me?
You’re right come to think of it. I dont really know, I guess I took some things to seriously. I am sorry.
Peace Brotha!
I will gladly buy you a beer if I ever meet you. Thank you for putting your life on the line for your country.
At least in this controversial war, unlike Vietnam, the people at home remember that soldiers don’t make the political decisions, they just take all the risks.
Stay safe!
A reminder to all: The U.S. Constitution doesn’t include the words “love it or leave it.” I does contain wording to the effect that if we don’t like the way things are going, we have the right to say something about it. You can love your country and think it has problems. This is my country too. Don’t tell me to leave.
I’ll be there.
And as far as Pro Bush, I like many things that he is trying to get done, but if he doesn’t start taking the borders more seriously he may not go done in history as a “Great President”
Funny how I was mentioned without even posting in this thread. I can feel the love.
Well I never pass up a chance like that. If you are ever going to be in Las Vegas (after I get back to the states, of course), you’d better let me know so I can take you up on that offer.
All that I have to say is Bush got my vote
I certainly hope so:D
I thought you might be interested in reading this web page:
65% voted Bugman GUILTY!!! and he hasn’t been heard of since…
GWB: the right man, in the right place at the right time. Someday, all you liberals will stop your whining and understand that.
'nuff said.
Sorry, but I don’t think there are too many probush people here…
Yea? bush is da bomb hes going to bring dis country in the right direction!! No that its headed in the worng direction.But i suppoert bush all the way!!
^That makes my head spin.
Bush bought a pair of used Wellgo B-35 pedals from me. He’s on the right track. He liberated a country under rather bizarre pretenses and temporarily it will be good for them. Countries whose governments are based on radical religious beliefs have a hard time making it to democracy and staying there. I suppose ours is a case in point somewhat right now. If he is well intentioned he is a good leader. Our previous leaders may have been well intentioned also.
He stepped up to the abuse of the second amendment. Too bad about the rest. And, he’s a nice dresser. He asked to borrow my swimsuit.
It’s true that Countries whose governments are based on radical religious beliefs have a hard time making it to democracy and staying there.
But Iraq had a secular government, with at least one Christian in Saddam’s cabinet. Saddam was strong enough to keep the fundamentalists out, but now…
Let’s just say Bush is really good at spreading religious fundamentalism to other nations that need it, like Iraq. And you can bet that radical Islamic fundamentalism is taking a stronghold there like it never could when Saddam (who just wasn’t Allah-fearing) was there.
Good job, W!
PS Did you give Bush a good deal on the Wellgo pedals?
Osama bin Laden, however, is very different from Saddam in that regard, a good god-fearing fundamentalist, like W.
I had a nice articulate set of reasons why Bush stinks, adn I did post them, but I flip-flopped and am replacing it with simply “Bush sucks.”
Why be articulate in the wrong thread when you can stoop to Bush bashing? Being articulate at least gives the impression that you’re thinking. Bashing shows absolutely for sure that you’re only reacting. I find that amusing in all populations.
I don’t see how it matters if something is amusing, and where the demographic of the person making a statement comes in. If you are trying to euphemize for stupid, please, just use “stupid,” since you’ll at least make some sense.
I articulate something when I deem it neccessary or when I don’t bother paying attention to whether it’s neccessary. My previous thread in JC is an example of me slipping and making a stupid thread that will go nowhere because I didn’t bother to think about the usefulness of it (btw, I post it here because I don’t feel like bumping it to the top again).
I put plenty of thought into the words as I write them, though, and it is wrong to say that a simple statement shows a lack of thought. To show that an opinion exists is often as important as defending it or stating the reasons for it. I needn’t give an articulate reason behind my statement of “Bush sucks” because I will be wasting the energy of arguing towards someone who already agrees with me. If the person disagrees, then what’s the use of arguing with them, since my comments will merely serve as inflammatory, without convincing them of anything. If anything, I will make them further entrenched in their opinions, which is counterproductive.
Instead, I make a simple statement, which, to someone who agrees with me, shows that they are not alone in their dissent, and to someone who disagrees that there is dissent that exists. Both are important points to convey. To show there is dissent without showing why doesn’t provoke as much emotion, and thus leaves the person more open to convincing. So, does that reveal a bit more of what went into my previous post in this thread? I feel that that’s plenty of thought, and although I needed to articulate the reasons behind the reasons for not articulating the post, I still feel that the statement its self is one that stands and achieves the desired effect without proving my fluency in English.
Basically, after many political arguements on this forum, I’ve come to the conclusion that arguing about politics is a waste of time, so I’m giving up on it. I noticed when I edited my post that the desired efect of showing my dissent is just as potent, if not more, with 2 words than with 3,000. Thus, why waste plenty of decent arguements on someone who can’t be convinced when I can simply say that there’s someone out there who disagrees?