Bush Doesn’t Share Public’s Priorities, New Poll Indicates
Americans say President Bush does not share the priorities of most of the country on either domestic or foreign issues, are increasingly resistant to his proposal to revamp social security and say they are uneasy with Mr. Bush’s ability to make the right decisions about the retirement program, according to the latest NYTimes/CBS News poll…
My response: A good strong leader has a vision and advocates strongly for that vision. His vision comes from the fact that he has been to the mountain top, he has seen farther into the future than the common people. A good strong leader does not concern himself with what the little people think or want.
Again: No anti-Bush comments here!! Look elsewhere, and stay with your own people!!
Part of the problem is that the American society is so into “control” right now. Everyone wants control. No one wants anyone powerful exercising control over them. Bush is a strong leader who stands strongly on his principals. Kerry lacked that strength and was seen as a much more acceptable candidate to many because of it.
I, for one, am glad to have a strong, visionary, principled leader.
Bush backs a consumption tax and that is the most important thing to me personally. Although I am doubtful it’ll ever happen I long for the day we are taxed on what we spend NOT what we earn. Greenspan even had some very good things to say today about consumption taxing.
As for those of you who like to talk about how good other countries are looking, pack it up and get to moving…talk is cheap. Europe afterall is looking really good
I am from canada can you guess what I am thinking about bush?..I wont say anything because this a pro-bush(A.K.A retard) thread
Just Kidding I could really care less about Bush. My theory on why he was re-elected was people wanted him to finish what he has started instead of bringing someone new in and trying to fix it.
I’m all for that. History will show that Mr. Bush was either very right or very wrong. One thing we can be sure of is that it probably won’t be something in between. I’m hoping he will be right. The world gains little from him being wrong.*
He also knows better than to say something like that himself. Last time I looked, we were supposed to be a classless society, with a representative government. But these days, poor people don’t get elected to any high office (if they ever did). So being wealthy, Democrat or Republican, is almost a given.
So am I a ‘little people’? Or am I just not smart enough to have any vision of my own? How did I get to be so little?
This group has been remarkabley restrained. I’m impressed! After all, this is a discussion forum. If you all agree, there’s not much to discuss.
My own people? My people are Americans. And unicyclsits (either, not necessarily both). Our President represents all of us, not just one political party or another. Who are your people?
Human rights, adherence to our constitution and other laws, yeah, I know.
consumption tax is possibly the worst idea ever. how many more “free give aways with X donation” would we have? how much more of a black market would we have? i’d barter as much as possible and weasel out of the tax that way.
What happened to a government of the people, for the people? His job it so carry out the will of the little people, not ignore it saying “papa knows best.”
I think your argument supports a facist idealogy MUCH more than it supports a democracy.
Yes, We commend Brockfish, Ethyl, DubMuni, DK, Stevyo, Seager, CrazyLegs and Gilby, among others, for your restraint. I haven’t been a consistent reader of the forums, but I had no idea how some of you felt about this, and I’m glad I got this opportunity.
So I’ve created another thread just for you, and for you alone! Oddly enough, it’s the same story…
Maybe at “games might” at the unicycle convention, we can choose teams based on political leanings, and see who kicks who’s a–.
I (with my well-known leanings) have little or no chance of contributing to the anti-Bush teams’ unicycle abilities, I believe the only pro-Bush people here are from the US.
Please correct me if I’m wrong!
That leaves an awful lot of talented Canadians, Kiwis, Aussies and other nationalities on the anti-Bush side.