Pro-Bush comments only on this thread

I just saw this report, and I’m convinced; Bush is trieng really hard to talk your language!

The Bushes looked very nice while watching the World Series. I guess it’s too bad for them that their team lost but at least I didn’t see either of them hurling beers or expletives. Very respectable they were.

I have no friggin idea what that guy was talking about, but he talked exactly what I wanted to hear.

Bushes are very useful. They really provide great color and texture to a landscaped area. Most require very little maintenance and are pretty hardy. Larger ones can also act as physical barriers for property lines, or visual barriers for ugly neighbors’ properties (or ugly neighbors). Some even produce neat little flowers, like the Wheeler’s Dwarf.

All things considered, I am very pro-bush and look forward to utilizing the bushes when I landscape any future properties I may own.



The Go To Guy

It is getting hard to keep blaming Bush. It was pretty easy to critique the senior Bush for “not finishing the job”, being a foreign occupier in a mid east culture is a cake walk after all. “Kinder gentler nation” not such a bad idea in hindsight

Operation “Stomp Out The Violence In The Middle East” is going well for Obama too.

Obama has all the answers in hand…just ask him


Who cares about Bush? Beatrix is still HOT and still in charge.

I leave the “HOT” qualification respectfully unchallenged but the second “still” needs more emphasis. You probably haven’t followed the news that closely, but there is a parliamentary majority in favour of reducing her job essentially to ceremonial tasks only.

The House is still Orange.

At least Bush speaks the truth: