private practice places?

Where are all these other unicyclists located? I am just learning and know I look incredibly silly. Today I fell in a puddle and everyone laughed. I was so embarrassed. I wish I had a private place to practice.

That’s how I learned… think of it this way… there’s more pressure on you not to UPD and get embarrassed. you’ll learn faster.

Hey, welcome to the fora.
That’s one more of us and one less of them.
Finding a private practise space can be difficult.
I did a lot of my learning in a double garage. I also did a lot in a public park. The people who laugh are the ones who aren’t busy learning a very kewl new skill.
Let them laugh.
You’ll enjoy learning to ride a whole lot more than they’ll ever enjoy laughing at you.

How long have you been riding/learning?

It would be best if you didn’t live near me. Just think of how we’d have to be introduced if we ever met. “Wibblewobble, Weeble. Weeble, Wibblewobble.”

Especially if it was Wobbly doing the introduction.

This is beginning to sound like a Robin Williams skit.

parking lots are good. go to a place ‘after hours’ and it’ll be all clear. thats what i do but you may get kicked out if ya go too early so definitley go later if ya can.

In the summer I useually go to my school parking lot in the morning 9:00-11:00 ish because after that skateborders start showing up, (and you know how jeleous they can get):wink: then they yell rude comments

I wish! Being stared at, commented about and the expectation that you are there to entertain others is something you will have to come to terms with as a unicyclist. Might as well be sooner rather than later.


And you just take that? I’m not saying ya should fight but for real…

wibble where do you loive?? telling us might help you find someone to ride with…

I actually find myself receiving the most compliments from skaters more than anyone else…

My main place of practice is just a block away from my house, either in my neighboors big driveway, or across the street at the church, and they have a little entrance area i ride in, or the basketball course.

As for being laughed at, I really couldnt care if someone is laughing at me, most time when i wreck im already laughing at myself =p and when im riding with a friend or two then i totally forget about all the other ppl and only relise if a friend is laughing at me, and i get to laugh at them when they wreck =p

Yeah…I get a lot more ‘whoa thats awesome’ or serious “can I try?” from the skaters, then from anyone else

really, i wish i had skaters around like that, most of the one’s around here are distructive and rude, hanging on to moving cars, yelling “Fag!” at any one who isn’t one of there friends, aswell as one time they put a bonfire in the middle of the skate park puting a large hole in the cement, and I know that three of them have criminal recoreds for shooting pelletguns at pedestrians :astonished:

them dang canadians

Taka Taka Taka Taka Taka Taka Taka

Me and my bro get groups of skates/bmxers coming up to us to say hi and asking about unicycling… It probably depends on the crowd

Thats odd. In the UK skaters are usually quite interesting, clever and alternative, hence, don’t shout “fag” at people.

Destroying property sounds like the sort of thing chavs would do…

Perhaps the image of being a skater is different in the US.
