Prime numbers

For any prime number larger than 3, the product of the two adjacent numbers is always divisible by 24. Why is this? It takes about 4 or 5 sentences to describe the solution.

I will e-mail a photo of John Childs to whoever can answer this.

Numbers. Work. In. Mysterious. Ways.

Go check this page

edit. Prime numbers are nice.

Re: Prime numbers

Every prime number, x, above 2 is odd.
So the number x+1 is even
and the number x-1 is even
and since x+1 it 2 greater than x-1, one of these values is divisible by 4

Every prime number, x, above 3 is not divisible by 3 and since every third integer is divisible by 3
One of x+1 or x-1 must be divisible by 3.

one of x+1, x-1 is divisible by 3
one of x+1, x-1 is divisible by 4 and the other divisible by 2
so (x-1) * (x+1) must be divisible by 2 * 4 * 3 which is 24

Re: Re: Prime numbers

Every prime number, x, above 2 is odd.
So the number x+1 is even
and the number x-1 is even
and since x+1 it 2 greater than x-1, one of these values is divisible by 4

Every prime number, x, above 3 is not divisible by 3 and since every third integer is divisible by 3
One of x+1 or x-1 must be divisible by 3.

one of x+1, x-1 is divisible by 3
one of x+1, x-1 is divisible by 4 and the other divisible by 2
so (x-1) * (x+1) must be divisible by 2 * 4 * 3 which is 24

Do i get the picture too?

Every prime number, x, above 2 is odd.
So the number x+1 is even
and the number x-1 is even
and since x+1 it 2 greater than x-1, one of these values is divisible by 4

Every prime number, x, above 3 is not divisible by 3 and since every third integer is divisible by 3
One of x+1 or x-1 must be divisible by 3.

one of x+1, x-1 is divisible by 3
one of x+1, x-1 is divisible by 4 and the other divisible by 2
so (x-1) * (x+1) must be divisible by 2 * 4 * 3 which is 24

Do i get the picture too?

No you don’t! You just coped MY answer!! Geez!

No you don’t! You just coped MY answer!! Geez! :smiley: :smiley: :wink:

It’s too easy. You ALL get the photo.

I tought it would be some hidden footage of his broken profile cranks :slight_smile:

Every prime number, x, above 2 is odd.
So the number x+1 is even
and the number x-1 is even
and since x+1 it 2 greater than x-1, one of these values is divisible by 4

Every prime number, x, above 3 is not divisible by 3 and since every third integer is divisible by 3
One of x+1 or x-1 must be divisible by 3.

one of x+1, x-1 is divisible by 3
one of x+1, x-1 is divisible by 4 and the other divisible by 2
so (x-1) * (x+1) must be divisible by 2 * 4 * 3 which is 24

Do i get the picture too?

Every prime number, x, above 2 is odd.
So the number x+1 is even
and the number x-1 is even
and since x+1 it 2 greater than x-1, one of these values is divisible by 4

Every prime number, x, above 3 is not divisible by 3 and since every third integer is divisible by 3
One of x+1 or x-1 must be divisible by 3.

one of x+1, x-1 is divisible by 3
one of x+1, x-1 is divisible by 4 and the other divisible by 2
so (x-1) * (x+1) must be divisible by 2 * 4 * 3 which is 24

Do i get the picture too?

You filthy post padders! you’ll do anything you can to get more posts won’t you?

does anyone actually pay attention to post counts or equate them to knowledge or unicycle ability?

such as yelling at people for being post padders

Here’s my 2 cents:
I think the more posts (per day) somebody has, the worse a unicyclist they are.
Here’s the explanation:
They spend way too much time here and not enough out on their uni!:slight_smile:

edit: I was going to say something regarding harper’s question too but forgot so i’m adding it now.
I heard that somewhere before, but it was a long time ago, and somebody verbally told me what the solution was. I couldn’t quite follow it they way they explained it, but reading it sure makes it a whole lot easier.

maths is not my strong point, saying that neither is physics, chemistry, french…

I do.

I don’t.

Klaas Bil