price check, please comment

I have had my monty trials uni for about 2 months, a week or two ago I bought a kh 20 because I kept breaking the hub despite having “the strongest square taper hub” it still broke I am selling it now as I dont need it and my friend says he will buy it, do you think £100 is a fair price? I bought it off ebay second hand but not used for £90 and replaced the hub with the UDC crmo hub it has some dammage from crank grabs but apart from that its looking tidy would you pay £100 pounds for it? it think there £130 or £160 new but they come with a realy weak hub

here are 2 pics, the first is after a bit of dirty muni but its realy shiny, clean and polished now, the second is me doing one of my first 180 unispins

just a simple yes or no answer would be fine, im not asking for an essay

hhhhmmmm less

you are asking to much, If they are 130-160 new I would ask for around 70. A used piece of equipment looses value both over time and use

I would go for 90 if you don’t want to be a complete jerk, if you want to be nice to your friend and give him an even more fair price then I would suggest about 70 or 80.

yea but on ebay ones like it are going for around or over £100
I may tell him that I will put it on ebay and he can pay what he wants for it because I am sure I will get at least £100 for it on ebay

Ebay ones are new. The second its used consider it nearly half its value.

I sold my nimbus trials to reef for $50 , that is worth about $320 brand new. The cranks where bent but that was the only problem, and i gave him to sets of pedals, one with a grind plate attached :slight_smile:

sell it cheap and be happy to be getting someone else into unicycling :slight_smile:

i would say around $70-60

the ones on ebay I am refering to are second hand, were in roughly the same condition as mine and started at roughly the same price as mine which is why i thought the price was fair because I believe I will get more for it on ebay

then why did you ask us :stuck_out_tongue:

Alright if you think you aren’t ripping him off then go for it, I just have yet to see anything on ebay go for that.

I was asking what everyone thought about the price, I only just thought about puting it on ebay and saying he could buy it so I thought I would post saying I was going to so you knew and maybe if anyone had something to say about it they could post something