Prez Bush

Or making a decision about the ethics of cloning without, erm … errr… a … clone. bad example

Oh and Baby Killer Kerry would have been better. I’d elect tyler cox before I’d elect Kerry. Boo Kerry. Why don’t you go get more plastic surgery Kerry. And get more 1000 dollar hair cuts when the little kids in Africa are dieing. Boo hiss!!
(I know I’m gonna get slammed for this, here goes)

I agree. (if some of that is true). People mustn’t forget that the lesser of two evils can still be just that.

Saying that they want the abortion option to be available for those that need it does not make someone a baby killer.

Besides that the Abortion issue was settled over 20 years ago, and is no longer a political issue that matters.

Tell me what was wrong with Kerry?

The nose…Yes, definitely the nose…


WOW, very well said uni_zorro! Thanks for the great advice and all you pro-bush people should really think about this for a sec. Do you like Bush so much that’d you’d fight for him? I’ll end with a nice little quote I got on the forums; Fighting for peace is like f*cking for virginity!

Okay, i just had to jump in with my 2 cents. Seriously, those of you only focused on the abortion issue need to open up your mind a little bit and realize there are other issues! So you want to trade a president who favors abortion for one who cuts funding for programs to help those in need, the homeless, the hungry, the poor, the disabled. People will always have abortions either way, and if we had a president that favored abortion doesn’t mean that there would be more or less of them necessarily. Anyways, there are more issues than just one and unfortunately i think far too many people voted for Bush over one issue. As bad as he is though, i don’t think that there will no longer be a US just because he’s the president, he’s only in office for two more years or so and the president does not make all of the decisions here, there are many other people in office that make a lot of the decisions that people pay no attention to, they think everything is in the hands of the president. lets just say it’ll be nice to get him out and have a breathe of fresh air. i’ve rambled on enough. have a great 4th everyone! ; )

Another good point!
I’d also like to add, so you want a president who’s anti-abortion (anti-death of unborn people) but who kills many people everyday for the war in Iraq? To date there are over 1,744 US people that have died in the war. That’s over a person a day he’s killed since the war started, and yes it is him because he’s the one that wants this war and says it’s necessary. This isn’t even including the 24,000 Iraqi’s he has killed! So now lets review…is Bush a better person cause he doesn’t kill un-born people but does kill Americans and Iraqi’s?! I think not and this is what disgusts me so much about dubya.

In case you don’t listen to the news or talk radio (which I enjoy very much) The Iraqi government has asked us to stay.

And on a side note Kerry supports gays which I think is disgusting.

if you think it is disgusting then you don’t have to be gay. what does it matter if you think something is disgusting or not? I am sure there are things that you and anyone else does that people think are disgusting too, what does this have to do with anything!? people will not change if they are gay or not just because of who is the president.
My big question though is, maybe iraq did want us to come and get rid of their evil leader they had. But why did we decide to spend all this money doing that instead of putting all that money into helping people in our own country, people who are poor, or homeless…

So what will happen if your future son becomes gay that you have no control over? Are you going to hate your kid and think he’s disgusting? No offense but I think you’re disgusting for saying this statement.

And about the Iraqi govt asking us to stay, well did they ask us to come there in the first place? No! And the only reason they want us to stay is because there country is more messed up than it ever was thanks to the US and they can’t handle it so of course they need/want our help now.

I agree, of course they want us to stay because we messed everything up over there, but from the beginning, their leader was doing pretty evil things to the people over there. He would cut people’s tongues out if they said anything bad towards him and other really disturbing things. Nevertheless, they did not ask for our help, because they were all brainwashed by him. But still, why don’t we fix the problems we have here instead of spending all our money trying to fix something that is not our problem and end up killing so many in the process.

on the subject of the iraqi government wanting us to stay:

We put that government into place. we put the people in said government into power, though not directly. If we hadn’t deposed Saddam, they would not be in power, so they owe us big time. would you think that the people we put into place would want us to leave? What matters more is the opinions of the everyday iraqi citizen. I don’t know what this is. I doubt the ability of polls to discern this, because who’s going to say they dislike the Americans? They’re used to a regime that would haul people off, never to be seen again. it wasn’t a good idea to disagree with the government.

There’s MY small and admittedly uninformed fuel to the flamewar.

Then I think you’re disgusting, but you’re from the south so it’s excusable, but not acceptable.

I think the most disgusting thing though is how Bush exploits September 11th, to get support for this war that was actually planned beofre he was even elected, before it even happened.

Look at it’s an organization started by Rumsfeld and those guys in 1997, and it basically shows their political postion: American for World Domination

That number is nothing compared to the number of people killed in the world wars. 1,744 US people killed over what amount of time? a year? two years? More? I have no idea the exact number, but somthing like that many people were killed every day in world war I.

If we would have things your way, Saddam would still be killing and torturing thousands of poor people, poor because he steals his own people’s land, money, and whatever they have that he wanted. Would you rather have him there, gasing his own people with nerve gas? Or our own military people, volenteer military, helping Iraq set up a more stable government, keeping the peace, stopping car bombs aimed at innocent civialins?



Once we have our country all fixed and under control then we can be “world police” and I’d be totally fine with that but until then we have tons of problems that need to be fixed here first before we go and try to help others. Yes it is wrong what Saddam did, I will admit that. But we should NOT try and help other countries when our country needs help. Let the almight GOD punish Saddam for what he did. Yes, I would rather Saddam gasing his people than us being there and killing our own american soldiers and not helping our people (homeless/poor/retired/uneducated/etc). Why waste all the billions of dollars ($180,145,044,124 to be exact- see Cost of National Security: Counting How Much the U.S. Spends Per Hour) when just think of where that money could have gone towards in the US. The whole US could have had a new face for the homeless, social security, schools, etc… We could have possibly totally eliminated any homeless/poor people I bet.

And so what if there are less people killed in this war than other wars. As far as I’m concerned 1 person being killed is enough to concern me. And for what? So Iraqi’s are more safe and secure? How many american lifes is it worth to have Iraqi’s happy I ask you?

The whole thing that started this war is that saddam was beginning to be a threat to the american people. New schools, shelters, etc would be worthless if we didnt protect what we already have.

The war is not on Iraq specifically, or Saddam, but terrerism in general. Right now were helping the Iraqi people to stop suicide bombers, and people that do stuff like what happened on 9/11. We are protecting ourselves and many others by stoppong terrerism. This war is not only to help Iraqis, but to protect our home country.