warning, it has blood, but technically theres no guns, but one could say it has violence in it.
it stopped working after the guy said mesh wiring
let it finish loading.
that is freakin awesome!
it stopped loadind also, ijust went and tryed it again abd it worked
That get’s into my Top Ten sweetest things I’ve ever seen list
the mongo jerry dude is funny w/ the rifle
id say thats rate a 9.5 on my cool sh*t-o-meter
on a scale of 1-5?
yeah, me too.
Wow that was sweet, totaly made my sunday of sitting around eating french toast worth while.
on a scale of one to five it was 1337
That was pretty sweet, not “End of the World” sweet, but sweet.
I think I’ve become jaded from too many rubbish internet videos, so I almost didn’t bother looking… but I’m glad I did, that was excellent. Good find sir!
it was awsome…the girl shooting her self made me jump …i didnt expect it
haha awesome
yeah, me too
that was sweet!!!
how do you find all these james?
that first girl that shot herself was weird, then the rest was cool, it was just surprising