Prayer:car accident

2 of my sisters friends just were in a car accident, and were airlifted to the hostpital, My sis is really taking it hard, I just ask that you pray for their safty, and my sister to be comforted.
Thanks guys/girls
God is good.

I’m really sorry to hear that, I hope they’re ok. I’ll be praying for them.

wow I’m sorry… give your sister alot of hugs and tell her it will all be ok… I had a friend almost die in a car accident and I have lost a friend who got hit by a utillity truck whlie he was walking home from school… give her pleanty of love and make sure that she dosen’t do anything bad… that is some adivice that I can give you… and I’m really really sorry to hear this…

many hugs for your sis.

dont worry, she wont do anything like suicidal, she knows that God is with her and them, i just ask you pray for her and her friends, thanks.

I’m really sorry for you all. I really hope everything will be fine for everyone.

Any word yet on their condition? I hope they will be ok. We are all hoping for the best.

I’m very sorry to hear this. I remember you from Billy’s religion thread. If you recall, I am an atheist, so I’m sorry but I can’t help you with prayer. However… everyone involved (including you) will be in my thoughts. You all have my sympathy and empathy and my sincerest hope and wish that things turn out as well as they can. And since you believe in God, maybe you will believe that He will hear my thoughts and wishes, and maybe that will mean something. That’s all I can do for you. Please keep all your friends here informed.

Once again, Dave takes the words out of my mouth.

I hope for a speedy recovery for your sister’s friends, and, no matter what happens, that your sister is ok.

they are in my prayers…

I’m keeping them in my thoughts. Your sister is blessed to have you.