I found this article interesting:
prairie dogs appear to have their own language
Especially fascinating is that they independently from each other come up with the same ‘word’ for something totally unknown. Beat that!
Klaas Bil
I found this article interesting:
prairie dogs appear to have their own language
Especially fascinating is that they independently from each other come up with the same ‘word’ for something totally unknown. Beat that!
Klaas Bil
That is so amazing I had to check to make sure it wasn’t a joke.
Klaas, did you notice we both started threads about words and language at almost the same time? Well, the threads are not really that similar – mine is human language (English was what I had in mind) and yours is prairie dog.
Edit: and if humans had prairie dog style “hardwired language”, then my thread would be totally unnecessary – we would all automatically know the word for “tall human in yellow shirt”.
thats preety cool
Yes it struck me. Back from the days when you started posting as uni57 I’ve felt some sort of fraternity. I will follow your thread with interest.
Klaas Bil