Powerizer-- Bionic Feet

Anyone use bionic hopping boots?

If I had 500 dollars to buy them, I would be in them 24/7. :slight_smile:

I’d love to try them. Someone had several pairs of them for sale a few years ago, and I think there was a thread about it here. I didn’t bite then…

Looks like a pogo stick.

i used to have a pair, they are not as simpleas you my think. in order to get any pring out of them you really haveto stomp them hard, and stopping from jumping is like nearly impossible. i broke my wrist on them, after that i started uniing and kind of lost interest i sold tem on ebay. not worth the money unless you have tons of time to spend getting good at it.

with boots like that you could ride a really big wheel :smiley:
especially if they were rigid.

I saw cirque du solei

and the had a character who using them

The circus i have taught at over the last 3 or so years has 2 sets of them. They are great fun (and kinda dangerous). If you want to do flips and stuff on them you have to be pretty confident and have tried in a harness of some sort. The extra weight can throw you off when attempting a back somersault for the first time. I’ve got it pretty sweet, i can use them without having to fork out the cash to buy them. I think what you can do on them is a little limited when you get to a certain stage though.