posting while drunk

What are your thoughts when your posting when you drunk, right now I’m wishing that I could glide… and maybe glide when I’m trashed. How fun would that be…

What are you wishing???

Posting Under the Influence I see…

Hey where are you online man, your so not on… Bastard :wink:

I get all paranoid that I’m typing absolute junk, so I end up taking about fifteen minutes on a one line post. To be honest because of this my drunken posts probably have fewer spelling mistakes in than my normal ones do… :roll_eyes:


Re: posting while drunk

Depends on two factors 1.What? 2.How much?
Usually it’s just ‘Damn, I can’t write too fast’, ‘How many mistakes can I make in a word?’, ‘Wish I’ll be okay in the morning’
And then a thread jack: Let’s add to this How much can you drink and still be able to ride?
Last tuesday I drank 4 bottles of beer and started hopping stairs. It worked pretty well though. That’s what you get when going to student parties with a uni.

once agian i had my drunk on tonite and i’ll be damned if a unicycle is going to get in the way!

I’m only 14, so I can’t get drunk…

James being fourteen doesn’t mean you can’t drink alcohol. It just means you can’t legally buy it, but there is no need to rush out and drink just because everyone else is doing it. I was so drunk once I could hardly walk, but riding the MUni was easy though, since it has an autopilot feature.

I suck at posting (worse than before) when I am drunk.

Really? Oh well, when I’m older I probably won’t drink anyway.
Or maybe I will, because I’ve heard that a little bit of wine is good for you. Whatever.

The last time I posted while I was drunk I misspelled a few words. I’ll never do that again.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

While I really would have valued conversing with a drunk Checkernuts about what I’m “wishing”, I went to sleep. :wink:

Oh, I can’t imagine! That’s it, I’ll never, ever drink…

My friends keep laughing about some e-mail I sent once, about what would happen if jellyfish sneezed. I don’t remember what it was about, so I don’t get the joke and feel left out. Now I’ve resolved to stay off line if I’ve had too much be able to drive. (or at least I’ll won’t write about jellyfish)

I’m not drunk now, in case you’re wondering.

“No, Osiffer, there’s no blood in my alcohol…”
I love that one.

Gilby killed the Most Replys,
But this one still lives on.

awh,quit crying in your beer.

Maybe Gilby is trying to tell us that he’s an alcoholic.
Or maybe the two are unrelated, so Gilby should bring back the most replies thread. Either way, he SHOULD bring it back.

What? Post while you’re drunk, or misspell?

Klaas Bil


Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

I’m doing IT right now (drunk posting). Whoooiii!!! Ain’t it fun. I was drinking with some b*kers, because I know of no unicyclists around. They are really nice, but they ride on two wheels. Damn! Well, atleast some of them want to try a unicycle and two have even considered buying one. I haven’t told them that there’s no going back once you get hooked. BWA HA HA HA HAAA!!!