Posting pics on the gallery

Man, I’m stumped. When I go to log in I enter my user name and password and it says “Invalid” user name or password.

Any tips on how the hell this thing works, or how I can post pics on a regular post (not the gallery).


John L.


When you post there is a field below the “Your Reply” field called “Attach File” with a “Browse” button that allows you to browse your computer for the file you want to attach. Please resize photos to a width of about 640 pixels max so they don’t extend beyond the page.

Thanks, Doctor, I’ll give it a whirl.


Anyone should be able to post a pic in a thread using the process Harper described. To be able to create one’s own gallery, one needs to request and be granted permission from Gilby.

I don’t know how often such requests are approved or denied. I have trouble holding a camera with my limbs, so it’s never been a priority for me to request.